Check the list of universities and the schedule!

We already know in which universities NAWA Summer Courses will be held in 2024! Participation in the program is intended for students, PhD students and academic teachers.

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In 2024, we invite you to participate in the following courses:

1. The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin will organize a stationary NAWA course for students and academic teachers on 1-28 of July, 2024.

2. University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska will organize a stationary NAWA course for students and academic teachers on 6-26 of July, 2024.

3. University of Wrocław will organize two courses for students and academic teachers on 7-27 of July, 2024: stationary and intensive remote course.

4. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań will organize a stationary NAWA course for students and academic teachers on 22 of July - 11 of August, 2024.

5. University of Silesia in Katowice will organize five courses in August:
- stationary NAWA course for students and academic teachers on 1-28 of August, 2024.
- remote NAWA course for students and academic teachers on 1-21 of August, 2024
- intensive remote NAWA course for students and academic teachers on 1-21 of August, 2024
- stationary NAWA course for foreign lectors on 1-21 of August, 2024
- remote NAWA course for foreign lectors on 1-21 of August, 2024

6. University of Łódź will organize intensive remote NAWA course for students and academic teachers on 5-25 of August, 2024

Accommodation and food for the duration of courses are free of charge. Participants only cover the cost of travelling to Poland and back, as well as the cost of medical insurance. Participating in NAWA Summer Courses gives you a unique opportunity not only to learn the language, but also to visit Poland’s greatest tourist attractions and learn about its culture and history.

Check more details on the websites: NAWA Summer Courses and on the websites of universities.
