1. What is the difference between the Individual Recognition Statement and the General Recognition Statement generated in the KWALIFIKATOR system?
KWALIFIKATOR allows to automatically generate a General Recognition Statement concerning recognition of a given type of higher education degrees obtained abroad. The Individual Recognition Statement is more detailed and indicates additional elements, such as the diploma issuing date, institution where education was conducted, level of education or data of the diploma holder.
2. How to apply?
Applications are submitted fully electronically via the SYRENA System.
Detailed information can be found in the How to obtain a recognition statement tab.
NOTE! Before submitting the application form, read the USER MANUAL.
3. What documents are required?
- diploma on which the information you wish to obtain
- transcript of records / supplement / list of subjects and grades attached to the abovementioned diploma
- document which was the basis for the admission to studies as well as the transcript of records / supplement / list of subjects and grades attached to the diploma (if applicable)
- translations of all the abovementioned documents (unless they are issued in: English, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian)
- identity card / passport
- document stating the change of surname
- in the case of refugees – a refugee status document
NOTE! The maximum size of each file is 3MB, the file format: only .pdf or .jpg
4. Are certified copies required?
No. Attach good quality coloured scans of the original documents.
5. Are translations required?
If the original documents were issued in English, German, Ukrainian, Russian, Spanish, Italian or Belorussian the translations are not required. Otherwise, attach translations done by a sworn translator. If the higher education institution, apart from documents in the original language, issued also documents in English, attach them as translations and do not provide Polish ones. If it is difficult find a sworn translator from your language to Polish, attach English translations.
6. Is it required to submit authenticated documents (apostille / legalization)?
No. Documents attached in the SYRENA System do not have to be certified with an apostille or legalized.
7. Who is authorized to submit the application?
The application can be submitted only by the diploma holder or by the institution where the individual recognition statement will be presented to, e.g. by a higher education institution for the admission purposes, a foreigners residence legalization department for the residence permit purposes, or an employer for the employment purposes.
NOTE! In the case of applications submitted by a third person, it is required to send by mail to the NAWA’s office an authorization certified by a notary as well as a copy of the confirmation of payment made for the authorisation. Applications submitted by a third person or by a private intermediary without an appropriate authorization are rejected.
8. How much does it cost to apply for the Individual Recognition Statement?
Individual Recognition Statement is issued free of charge regardless of whether it has been submitted by the diploma holder or by an institution.
9. How long does it take to issue the Individual Recognition Statement?
Individual Recognition Statement is issued within 60 days from the date of submission of the complete set of required documents in the SYRENA System. In the case of incomplete applications, the 60-day period is calculated from the time the application has been successfully completed.
10. How to check the status of the case?
The case status can be verified individually in the SYRENA System. Detailed information can be found in the USER MANUAL page 12.
NOTE! Provide the email address in the exact same form it was provided in the application form, paying particular attention to the capitalization, e.g. if in the application form the email address included uppercase letters, the system will not recognize it when written in lowercase letters.
11. How to complete an incomplete application form?
Detailed information can be found in the USER MANUAL page 13.
NOTE! If you receive an email with the information that the application is incomplete, do not submit another application form, complete the one in question. Remember to attach only the indicated files.
12. How to download the Individual Recognition Statement?
Detailed information can be found in the USER MANUAL page 14.
13. How to submit the case re-examination request?
Detailed information can be found in the USER MANUAL page 15.
NOTE! The case re-examination request may only be accepted if you provide the reason for its submission and attach additional documents supporting your point of view.
14. What if a file is too large?
The maximum size of each file is 3MB. If a file is too large, it is necessary to reduce its size using a file compression app.
15. How to obtain a duplicate of the Individual Recognition Statement?
It is not possible to obtain a duplicate of the previously issued Individual Recognition Statement. If you need another copy, submit a new application form via the SYRENA system in accordance with the instructions in the How to obtain a recognition statement tab. In Step 4 Additional comments section provide the number placed in the previously issued Individual Recognition Statement or an approximate date of issue.
16. I am a refugee and I do not have all the required documents
If you are a refugee check the application concerns a refugee box in Step 1, whereas in Step 4 attach an official proof a refugee status and in the Additional comments section indicate documents you are not able to submit.
In the case of an error:
1) check whether all the fields are filled in correctly and the required documents are attached – detailed information can be found in the USER MANUAL as well as in the How to obtain a recognition statement tab,
2) try to fill in the form again – wait a couple of minutes or use a different browser,
3) while checking the case status, make sure that the email address is inserted correctly - provide the email address in the exact same form it was provided in the application form, paying particular attention to the capitalization, e.g. if in the application form the email address included uppercase letters, the system will not recognize it when written in lowercase letters.
If the error reappears, send an email to and attach screenshots of particular parts of the form.
1. What is nostrification and where is it conducted?
Nostrification is an official procedure which is conducted in order to determine a Polish equivalent of a foreign higher education diploma, an academic degree or a degree related to art study conferred abroad. The nostrification procedure may be conducted by a higher education institution holding a required scientific category and providing education in the same or similar field of studies as the one in which the education obtained abroad was completed.
The list of scientific categories assigned to institutions can be found in the RAD-on system.
Details on the nostrification of higher education diplomas obtained abroad as well as academic degrees and degrees related to art study conferred abroad can be found in the Legal framework for recognition tab.
2. What is the fee?
The maximum fee is 50% of the professor’s remuneration (currently PLN 4685). In justified cases the applicant may be exempted from the fee.
3. What documents are required?
Detailed information can be found in the Legal framework for recognition tab. The list of required documents is included separately for the nostrification of higher education diplomas and for the nostrification of academic degrees – open a corresponding file.
4. What is the difference between the nostrification and the Individual Recognition Statement?
Nostrification is a procedure conducted in order to determine a Polish equivalent of a foreign higher education diploma, an academic degree or a degree related to art study conferred abroad. It is regulated by the Minister of Science and Higher Education, involves a fee and ends with the issuance of a document certifying whether a given foreign diploma is equivalent to a Polish one or not. In the Individual Recognition Statement, NAWA confirms the level of education in the country of issue and the right to study in Poland, as well as informs about regulations regarding recognition in Poland. Issuing the Individual Recognition Statement does not involve establishing a Polish equivalent, unless it is directly indicated in an international agreement.
5. I want to study – do I need nostrification?
Nostrification is not required in order to commence education on second cycle studies, on non-academic post-diploma studies, in a doctoral school or to start proceedings which lead to obtaining the degree of doctor. If your degree gives access to the next level of higher education or entitles you to apply for doctoral degree in the country of issue, also in Poland it gives the right to access education at the corresponding level (second-cycle studies, doctoral school) or to start proceedings which lead to obtaining a Polish academic degree.
In the case of admission to first cycle studies and long cycle magister studies follow the instructions given in the Applying for admission to first / long cycle studies tab and on the website of the Ministry of National Education.
6. I want to work – do I need nostrification?
In the case of a regulated profession the decision is made by the competent authority, whereas in the case of a non-regulated profession by an employer.
Details on regulated professions can be found below in the WORK IN POLAND section.
7. Is Polish nostrification valid abroad?
The recognition of a foreign degree is based on regulations which may vary depending on a country. The nostrification procedure is conducted on the basis of Polish regulations and for the purposes of Polish institutions. Therefore, if you wish to recognize your diploma in a country other than Poland, reach a relevant authority. Contact details can be found on the website of the ENIC-NARIC network by selecting the country of your interest.
8. Is a recognition / equivalence established in a different country valid in Poland?
The recognition of a foreign degree is based on particular national regulations, therefore a formal acknowledgement of a foreign diploma in one country does not determine its recognition in Poland. The decision on whether to recognize a foreign diploma is valid in the country where it was made.
1. First cycle / long cycle studies
Detailed information regarding recognition of school certificates can be found in the Applying for admission to first / long cycle studies tab and on the website of the Ministry of National Education.
2. Second cycle studies
Detailed information regarding the right to continue education on second cycle studies can be found in the Applying for admission to second cycle studies tab.
Remember, even if your foreign diploma gives the access to second cycle studies, you need to meet the admission requirements of the institution you apply to.
3. Non-academic post-diploma studies (studia podyplomowe)
Detailed information regarding the right to continue education on non-academic post-diploma studies can be found in the Applying for admission to non-academic post-diploma studies tab.
Remember, even if your foreign diploma gives the access to non-academic post-diploma studies, you need to meet the admission requirements of the institution you apply to.
4. Doctoral School
Detailed information regarding the right to continue education in a doctoral school can be found in the Applying for admission to doctoral schools tab.
Remember, even if your foreign diploma gives the access to a doctoral school or the right to start proceedings which lead to obtaining the degree of doctor, you need to meet the admission requirements of the institution you apply to.
5. Is nostrification required for the purpose of continuation of education?
Nostrification is not required in order to conduct education on second cycle studies, on non-academic post-diploma studies, in a doctoral school or to start proceedings which lead to obtaining the degree of doctor. If your degree gives access to the next level of higher education or entitles you to apply for doctoral degree in the country of issue, also in Poland it gives the right to access education at the corresponding level (second-cycle studies, doctoral school) or to start proceedings which lead to obtaining a Polish academic degree.
In the case of admission to first cycle studies and long cycle magister studies follow the instructions given in the Applying for admission to first / long cycle studies tab and on the website of the Ministry of National Education.
6. Is an apostille certification / legalization required for the purpose of continuation of education?
The decision on whether or not a foreign diploma should be certified with an apostille / legalized is made by a higher education institution on the basis of internal regulations.
1. I want to work – do I need nostrification?
In the case of a regulated profession the decision is made by the competent authority, whereas in the case of a non-regulated profession by an employer.
Detailed information regarding the way in which a foreign diploma may be recognized for professional purposes in Poland can be found in the Recognition for professional purposes tab.
2. I want to practise a regulated profession
Detailed information and the list of the most frequently performed regulated professions can be found in the Practicing regulated professions tab.
In the case of practising a profession which is officially regulated in Poland it is necessary to contact a competent authority in order to recognize the professional qualifications. List of the regulated professions is available on the website of the European Commission.
3. I want to practise a non-regulated profession
If the profession you wish to practice is not officially regulated in Poland, the decision on the employment belongs to the employer. The latter may require confirmation of the equivalence of your educational qualification with the relevant Polish award or a written information on recognition of your degree issued by NAWA.
4. I want to work as an academic teacher
Detailed information on the employment of academic teachers should be provided by the employing higher education institution.
5. I want to employ a person with a foreign diploma
If the employment concerns a non-regulated profession, a given type of higher education degree obtained abroad can be verified in the KWALIFIKATOR system or in a particular foreign education system description.
You may also submit an electronic application form via the SYRENA System in order to obtain an Individual Recognition Statement. Detailed information can be found in the How to obtain a recognition statement tab.
NOTE! Before submitting the application form, read the USER MANUAL and submit the application as an institution.
In the case of practising a profession which is officially regulated in Poland it is necessary to contact a competent authority. Detailed information can be found above in this section (WORK IN POLAND - I want to practise a regulated profession) and in the Practicing regulated professions tab.
Social Insurance Institution - ZUS |
1. How to obtain an information on a diploma for the ZUS purposes?
Applications are submitted fully electronically via the SYRENA System.
Detailed information can be found in the How to obtain a recognition statement tab.
NOTE! Before submitting the application form, read the USER MANUAL.
2. How to confirm a standard period of study?
NAWA may only confirm a standard period of study abroad in the case of diplomas issued at the time international agreements specifying equivalence were in force.
In the absence of thereof or in the case of doctoral study programmes completed abroad, the standard period of study may only be confirmed by the institution where the education took place.
3. How to confirm an equivalence of a foreign diploma with a Polish one?
NAWA may only confirm equivalence in the case of diplomas issued at the time international agreements specifying equivalence were in force.
In other cases, the equivalence may only be confirmed through the nostrification proceedings.
Detailed information can be found in the NOSTRIFICATION section.
1. How to recognize a Polish diploma in a different country?
If you want to obtain a recognition of a Polish diploma, contact an ENIC-NARIC centre in the selected country. In the case of countries where an ENIC-NARIC centre is not established, contact a diplomatic authority or an institution supervising the education sector at a given level.
2. How to obtain an apostille certification / legalization of a Polish diploma?
Details concerning the apostille certification and legalization of a Polish diploma can be found in the Apostille and legalization tab.
3. How to obtain a certificate confirming professional qualifications?
Certificates confirming the right to perform a profession are issued by the competent authorities. Contact details to institutions administering regulated professions can be found in the Regulated Professions Database provided by the European Commission.
Contact details to the institutions administering the most frequently chosen regulated professions can be found in the WORK IN POLAND – I want to practise a regulated profession section.
In the case of non-regulated professions in Poland, certificates are not issued.