Extended call for applications for Poland My First Choice scholarship programme

Due to the state of epidemic threat, NAWA has extended call for applications in Poland My First CHoice Scholarship Programme - until 15 of June 2020.

Updated Programme regulations can be found on the programme website here


Extended call for applications for POLONISTA - Scholarship and Fellowship Programme

Due to the state of epidemic threat, NAWA has extended call for applications in POLONISTA Scholarship and Fellowship Programme - until 15 of May 2020.

Updated Programme regulations can be found on the programme website: https://nawa.gov.pl/en/the-polish-language/programme-for-students-of-polish-studies


Support for foreign students - NAWA scholarship holders

The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange offers financial aid to the holders of the Agency’s scholarships who have found themselves in a difficult financial situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

‘We provide the aid to foreign students, our scholarship holders, who have stayed in Poland and whose living conditions have significantly deteriorated as a result of the current epidemic. We provide them with the opportunity to take advantage of a one-off financial aid. We expect great interest in this support measure,’ says Agnieszka Stefaniak-Hrycko, acting Director of the Polish National Academic Exchange Agency (NAWA).

The amount of the one-off financial aid is PLN 500. The following persons can apply for the aid: participants of preparation courses, students, and PhD candidates who started their education before the academic year 2019/2020, who meet all of the following conditions:

a) persons holding one of the following NAWA scholarship programmes:

  • for the Polish diaspora: the General Anders Scholarship Programme,
  • the Stefan Banach Scholarship Programme,
  • the Ignacy Łukasiewicz Scholarship Programme,
  • POLONISTA Programme,
  • participating in the personal exchange within the framework of bilateral cooperation – offer for incoming researchers,
  • individual scholarships,

b) persons entitled to receive the NAWA Director’s scholarship in the summer semester of the academic year 2019/2020,

c) persons who at the time of submitting the application for the financial aid are staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Applications for the aid together with a justification must be submitted by 30 April 2020 . The application form is available in the NAWA’s IT system at: https://programs.nawa.gov.pl/login. Late applications will not be accepted. NAWA scholarship holders who already have their account in the system are asked to apply from the same account. Other persons using the ICT system for the first time must attach a scan of their passport.

The aid will be transferred to an individual bank account of the scholarship holder.

‘Our action is part of a broader support which is offered to students, including those from abroad, by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and their home universities. We are grateful to the universities for recognizing the needs of these young people staying away from home and their families,' says Agnieszka Stefaniak-Hrycko.

Decree No.16/2020 of the Director of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange of 3 April 2020 on granting one-off financial aid in connection with an epidemic threat on the territory of the Republic of Poland


Extended call for applications for Poland My First Choice Scholarship Programme

Due to the state of epidemic threat, NAWA has extended call for applications: in Poland My First Choice Scholarship Programme  until 30 of April 2020.

Updated Programme regulations can be found on the programme website: https://nawa.gov.pl/en/students/foreign-students/poland-my-first-choice-programme/call-for-proposals 

Communication on the payment of scholarships the programmes for students as well as in the exchange programme for students and scientists as part of bilateral cooperation

1. The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange informs that dues to the epidemic situation affecting the possibility of implementing students scholarship programmes, i.e.:

  • The gen. Anders Programme
  • The Banach Scholarship Programme
  • The Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme
  • Poland My First Choice Programme
  • POLONISTA Scholarship Programme

the provisions suspending the payment of the scholarship to persons who are staying outside of the Republic of Poland for more than 30 days will not apply to those who will continue their education on the principles set out by the university, including using e-learning.

In the Exchange Programme for students and scientists as part of  bilateral cooperation - offer for incoming students and scientists, the provisions suspending the payment of the scholarship or reducing its amount to persons who have been away from the host centre for more than 15 days in a given month will not apply, if they continue their education on the principles set out by the university.

The above rule is applied from March 11, 2020 to September 30, 2020. The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange reserves the right to shorten or extend the deadline for applying the above principles.

2. The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange informs that the rules for the payment of scholarships to persons staying abroad under the Exchange Programme for students and scientists as part of bilateral cooperation - offer for outgoing students and scientists, do not change. We would also like to inform that in justified cases it is possible to postpone the date of the stay or part of it, subject to obtaining the consent of the host centre and the completion of the stay until the end of 2020. It is not possible to increase the amount of the scholarship awarded or the length of the stay.
