Marie Skłodowska-Curie DOCTORAL NETWORKS
The information below is based on:
European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions : guide for multipliers:
version February 2023, Publications Office of the European Union, 2023.
Objective of Doctoral Networks
The objective of Doctoral Networks is to implement doctoral programmes by partnershipsThe objective of Doctoral Networks is to implement doctoral programmes by partnershipsof organisations from different sectors across Europe and beyond to train highly skilleddoctoral candidates, stimulate their creativity, enhance their innovation capacities andboost their employability in the long-term.
Who can apply to Doctoral Networks
Doctoral Networks are open to international consortia of universities, researchDoctoral Networks are open to international consortia of universities, researchinstitutions, businesses, SMEs and other non-academic organisations. They shouldinclude:
- at least three independent legal entities, each established in a different EU MemberState or Horizon Europe Associated Country and with at least one of them establishedin an EU Member State
- on top of this minimum, other organisations from any country in the world can alsojoin
- specific conditions apply to Industrial and Joint DoctoratesAs from 2022, resubmission restrictions apply for applications that received a scorebelow 80% the previous year.Candidates wishing to apply for PhD positions under Doctoral Networks should apply tofunded Doctoral Network projects by consulting their open vacancies advertisedinternationally, including on the EURAXESS portal.
Types of Doctoral Networks
Standard Doctoral Networks (DN) implement doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities,Doctoral Networks implement doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities,research institutions and infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socioeconomicactors from different countries across Europe and beyond. These doctoralprogrammes will respond to well-identified needs in various research and innovationareas, expose the researchers to the academic and non-academic sectors, and offerresearch training, as well as transferable skills and competences relevant for innovationand long-term employability. Besides standard Doctoral Networks, incentives have beenintroduced to promote two specific types of doctorates as well:
- Industrial Doctorates (ID) train PhD candidates who wish develop their skills andIndustrial Doctorates. They train PhD candidates who wish develop their skills andstep outside academia, in particular in industry and business. Individual participantsmust be enrolled in a doctoral programme and jointly supervised by the academic andnon-academic partners.
- Joint Doctorates (JD) provide a highly integrated type of international, intersectoralJoint Doctorates. They provide a highly integrated type of international, intersectoraland interdisciplinary collaboration in doctoral training leading to a jointdoctoral degree or multiple doctoral degrees awarded by the participating institutions.PhD candidates must be enrolled in a joint programme and be jointly supervised.
What does the funding cover
All areas of research may be funded and Doctoral Networks can last for up to four yearsAll areas of research may be funded and Doctoral Networks can last for up to four years(up to 5 years in the case of Joint Doctorate projects).
The EU provides support for each recruited researcher in the form of:The EU provides support for each recruited researcher in the form of:
- a living allowance
- a mobility allowance
- if applicable, family, long-term leave and special needs allowances
In addition, funding is provided for:
- research, training and networking activities
- management and indirect costs.
Application form must be submitted via European Comission Funding & tenders portal
See the Application form MSCA DN (for 2024 call avaiable call opening day)
Grand Agreement
Detailed information on the MSC DN Action can be found in:
- HE MSCA Work Programme 2023-2025
- HE MSCA DN Standard application form 2024
- Guide for applicants MSCA DN 2024
- Handbook for MSCA DN 2024 published by MSCA NCP's within the MSCA-NET project
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