Poland also funds scholarships within two programmes for Postdoctoral Studies: Jean Monnet and Max Weber fellowships.


the Max Weber Programme is a unique offer and the largest international postdoctoral programme in the Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe. The bursaries are open to scholars from anywhere in the world (not just nationals of an EU Member State) who have received a doctorate in economics, law, history, social and political sciences, or a related field, within the past 5 years. Depending on the faculty, there are one-year or two-year scholarships.

The amount of the scholarship  is EUR 2.070/month. The scholarship holders can also receive a commuting lump sum and additional benefits for family members.

Poland funds a maximum of two places within the programme each year.

Recruitment usually starts in July, and applications can be submitted until mid-October.

More information can be found on the Max Webber Programme website website.




The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies offers one-year Jean Monnet Fellowships to scholars who have obtained their doctorate more than five years prior to the start of the fellowship. Jean Monnet Fellows are selected on the basis of a research proposal and of their CV. 

The research proposal should fit well with one of the Centre’s main research themes, programmes and projects. Scholarships are awarded for a period of one year (12 months from September to August). The basic scholarship is EUR 2,500/month. 

Poland funds a maximum of one place within the programme each year.

Recruitment usually starts in July, and applications can be submitted until the end of October.

More information can be found on the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies - Jean Monnet Fellowships website. website.
