On 30 November NAWA was pleased to host scholarship holders under the Stefan Banach Scholarship Programme. The event was organised in the inspiring interior of the Copernicus Science Centre, where the scholarship holders were welcomed by the NAWA's Director General Łukasz Wojdyga and by the Undersecretary of State for Economic Diplomacy, Development Cooperation, Asia, Africa and the Middle East Policy – Maciej Lang.

During the full day event, participants could inter alia listen to the inauguration lecture prepared for this specific occasion by dr Monika Aksamit-Koperska. Dr Aksamit-Koperska told new students about why making scientific career in Poland is a worthwhile endeavour, referring to the history of experienced Polish researchers, condition of Polish laboratories and grant possibilities giving opportunity for personal development. A promotional video was shot during the even, covering all participants. Moreover the scholarship holders could watch the multimedia show in the Planetarium, talk to graduates and eat a meal together. The inauguration was a perfect opportunity to get to know Poland, Warsaw and to learn about other students’ experience. We hope that this experience will facilitate the scholarship holders under the Stefan Banach Scholarship Programme building their academic future in the Stefan Banach home country. 

The scholarship holders under the Stefan Banach Scholarship Programme for the II degree students are graduates from the I degree studies who are offered scholarship for the II degree studies in Poland in the fields of: science, natural and technical sciences, agriculture, forestry and veterinary. In the academic year 2018/19, 61 scholarship holders are hosted in Poland under the Programme, including from Ukraine (55), Belarus (5) and Moldova (1). 28 scholarship holders started their studies under the Programme in October, and next 33 persons will join their colleagues from the summer semester, i.e. from February 2019. This proportion is mainly related to the fields chosen by scholarship holders, as the II degree studies at the scientific and technical faculties start from the following semester. Faculties which are most frequently chosen by our scholarship holders are architecture, automation and robotics, physics, IT studies, biology and biotechnology.


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