Your degree gives access to non-academic post-diploma studies (studia podyplomowe) if it  gives access to the next level of higher education or entitles you to apply for doctoral degree in the country of issue. 


Diplomas confirming the completion of higher education abroad do not give access to further studies in Poland if:

  1. institutions which issued them or institutions in which the education was provided:
    1. were not accredited higher education institutions on the date of issuing the diploma or implemented a study programme which did not have accreditation on the date of issuing the diploma or
    2. do not operate within a higher education system of any country or
  2. a higher education programme or its part was implemented against provisions of the country in which the education was provided.


Legal basis:  

  • international agreements
  • Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 28th September 2018 on the nostrification of higher education diplomas obtained abroad and on confirmation of completion higher education studies at a given level of education (Journal of Laws, No 1881)
  • Article 326.2 – Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2024, item 1571).
