ACA to hold conference ‘The Engaged University. Linking the Global and the Local’ - NAWA

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The Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) would like to invite all universities to attend its annual conference. This year’s edition will be organised in partnership with the Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS) in Bled, Slovenia, on 17 and 18 October.

‘The engaged university. Linking the global and the local’ is the title of the autumn meeting devoted to the subject of the ‘engaged university’ and the links between the global and the local aspects in the context of internationalisation of higher education. The organisers wish to confront the attendees and the panellists with the question in how far international activities impact on the – local – university and what role in this process is played by civil society at large, municipalities, companies, NGOs, and many more. The participants will have the possibility to share ideas on and discuss how these dimensions can be enhanced by means of European and international project cooperation.

The full conference programme is available on the event website. All interested persons are cordially invited to register via the online form.

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