New operating rules for the NAWA Reception Point effective as of 17 May 2021

We wish to inform you that, as part of the gradual removal of restrictions related to the epidemiological situation in Poland, the reception point of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange will open to visitors starting on 17 May 2021.

In order to ensure the safety of our visitors as well as NAWA staff, we introduce the rule that only one visitor at a time may be present at the reception point.

The possibility to personally submit documents concerning the apostille and legalization has been restored, and we will inform you about the date of receipt of documents by phone or e-mail. Please submit the documents for certification in a paper envelope or file. It will still be possible to leave hard copy correspondence in a box located at the entrance to the NAWA building at 40 Polna Street.

We hope that the new rules on the operation of the reception point will make it easier for you to take care of your essential business related to international exchange.


Announcement on the limitation of direct visits to the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange as of 23 March 2021 until further notice

Due to the rapid development of the COVID-19 pandemic and with a view to limiting the spread of the coronavirus, this is to inform you about the limitation of direct visits to the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.

The visits will be arranged as follows:

  1. direct visits in the building at 40 Polna Street will be limited;
  2. visits will take place only remotely (by phone or e-mail);
  3. matters that cannot be dealt with remotely will be dealt with upon arranging the appointment by telephone with a specific NAWA employee while observing the sanitary protocol;
  4. we recommend that you send any correspondence and arrange matters by post, e-mail, e-PUAP or telephone; it is also possible to leave hard copy correspondence in a box located at the entrance to the NAWA building at 40 Polna Street;
  5. visitors entering the NAWA building are required to disinfect their hands, wear disposable gloves and a mouth-nose face covering, and comply with the physical distancing requirements.

All contact information can be found on the NAWA website at


New Operating Rules of NAWA’s Reception Point

We wish to inform you that, as part of the gradual removal of restrictions related to the epidemiological situation in Poland, the reception point of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange will open to visitors starting on 18 May 2020.

In order to ensure the safety of our visitors as well as NAWA staff, we introduce the rule that only one visitor may be present at the reception point at a time.

The possiblility to personally submit and/or collect documents concerning apostille and legalization has been restored and we will inform you about the date of receipt of the certified documents by phone or e-mail. Please submit documents for certification in a paper envelope or file.

We hope that the new rules on the operation of the reception point will make it easier for you to take care of your essential business related to international exchange.


Information on restoring functioning of student houses and university libraries

Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education informs that it is possible for universities to gradually restore functioning of student houses and university libraries. More information on the website


Ministry of Science and Higher Education: Admission for studies 2020/2021 – recommendations for universities

Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education announced recommendations for universities regarding the admission for studies 2020/2021. More information on the website:


Coronavirus outbreak – special solutions for foreigners (update)

Polish Office for Foreigners informs that in connection with the current epidemiological situation, the act providing, inter alia, special solutions for foreigners in Poland, entered into force on 31 March 2020. The regulations will allow people who want to pursue their current purpose of stay or cannot leave Poland due to the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus to stay legally in the country.

We encourage you to read the announcement of the Office for Foreigners.

Please follow further information appearing on the website of the Office for Foreigners: link 


KPRM: Stages of loosening coronavirus restrictions

According to the plan prepared by the Polish government loosening coronavirus restrictions will be executed in four phases. First stage starts on Monday, April 20.

More at


New restrictions in Poland due to COVID-19

At the press conference held on Thursday 9, April 2020 PM Mateusz Morawiecki and Minister of Health, Łukasz Szumowski have announced new restrictions, including mandatory covering the mouth and nose from April 16, 2020. The obligation applies to everyone who is on the streets, in offices, shops or places where services are provided and workplaces.

More at


Coronavirus outbreak – another solutions dedicated to foreigners

On 7 April 2020, the Council of Ministers has adopted as part of the extension of the “anti-crisis shield” a draft of another act aimed at counteracting the negative effects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus epidemic. It provides, among others, for extension of the legal stay of foreigners staying in Poland on the basis of visa-free travel or Schengen visas. The draft also envisages the extension of the period of validity of residence cards and temporary identity certificates for foreigners.

The draft* adopted by the Council of Ministers on 7 April contains additional specific solutions for foreigners residing in Poland. Some of them already came into force on 31 March and their details can be found HERE.

Extension of legality of stay of foreigners residing in Poland on the basis of short-term residence titles, including visa-free travel

The draft applies to foreigners who, on the day of the announcement of the epidemic emergency on 14 March 2020, were staying in Poland on the basis of:

  • Schengen visa,
  • visa issued by another country of the Schengen area (including a long-stay visa authorising to stay for a period exceeding 90 days),
  • residence document issued by another Schengen state,
  • on the basis of visa-free travel,
  • long-term visa issued by another Member State of the European Union that is not a Schengen state, if, in accordance with the provisions of the European Union law, it entitles to stay on the Polish territory,
  • residence permit issued by another Member State of the European Union that is not a Schengen State, if, in accordance with the provisions of the European Union law, it entitles to stay on the Polish territory.

The stay of these people will be considered legal from the day following the last day of legal stay based on the above-mentioned visas, documents or visa-free travel, until the end of the 30th day following the date of cancellation of the state of epidemic emergency or the state of epidemic – depending on which one was the last in force.

The above solution assumes that the extension of legality of stay will occur by law. It will not require submitting any applications or issuing permits or documents.

This will allow for further legal stay in Poland for foreigners who, for various reasons related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus epidemic, cannot leave the Polish territory and for those who want to continue to achieve the purpose of their stay, including work. The aforementioned provision allows foreigners to perform work based on possession of a work permit, seasonal work permit and declaration on entrusting work to a foreigner, which under existing provisions are or will be extended by law.

Thanks to this solution, foreigners will not be forced to submit any applications for residence permits in the future to be able to leave Poland without hindrance.

Extending by law the periods of validity of foreigners’ residence cards and temporary certificates of identity

The draft provides for the extension by law of the periods of validity of the foreigners’ residence cards and temporary certificates of identity (known in Poland as TZTC – documents issued to foreigners applying for international protection) if their end would fall during the period of state of epidemic emergency or state of epidemic. The period of validity of these documents will be extended until the end of the 30th day following the date of cancellation of the last of the two above-mentioned states that was in force. This solution is important due to the temporary suspension of direct customer service by voivodeship offices and the Office for Foreigners due to the outbreak of the coronavirus. It will allow foreigners to use these documents until it becomes possible to issue new ones.

* The draft act on specific support instruments in connection with the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was submitted to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. The content of the draft is available in Parliamentary document no. 330 on the website:

We encourage you to follow further messages to be published on the website of the Office for Foreigners.



Message to international students from Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education

We encourage you to watch a video with a special message from the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education, Prof. Wojciech Maksymowicz. The video is available HERE 


Coronavirus outbreak – special solutions for foreigners

In connection with the current epidemiological situation, on 31 March 2020 came into force an act providing, inter alia, special solutions for foreigners in Poland. The regulations will allow people who want to pursue their current purpose of stay or cannot leave Poland due to the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus to stay legally in the country.

We encourage you to read the announcement of the Office for Foreigners.

Please follow further information appearing on the website of the Office for Foreigners: link 


Communication on the next steps in the fight against coronavirus

From April 1 until further notice, further restrictions due to coronavirus are introduced:

  • Limiting social distance – 2 meters from the other person, with reservation for parents with children and as regards to the disabled persons
  • People below 18 years old have to move with parents
  • Limited access to parks, boulevards, beaches, recreation areas (as emphasized by the Minister of Health one should focus rather on psychological aspects of physical activity - many people need changing place from time to time - than on staying fit as this would be counterproductive in current situation)
  • No use of city bike rentals
  • Hairdressers, beauty parlours, tattoo and piercing saloons will be closed without exception
  • Limit of the people in one store – max. 3 people for cash register
  • Limit on stalls – max. 3 people to one stand
  • Limit at the post office – max. 2 people at the window
  • Introduction the requirement for wearing disposable gloves in stores
  • Within 10 to 12 all shops, drug stores and pharmacies would be open only to the people over 65 years old
  • Workplaces must be organized so that disinfection and protection is provided to the employees
  • Extension of quarantine formula – quarantined person have to stay either in solitary confinement or in a quarantine together with the whole family
  • People staying under quarantine will be obliged to use governmental app
  • In stores stuff will be obliged to disinfecting points of sales after every single use.

