Information on restoring functioning of student houses and university libraries - NAWA

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  • Conducting classes for the students, postgraduates and doctoral students in the traditional form remain suspended until 24 May. Gradual restoration of the functioning of individual institutions, including universities, is expected.

    In connection with the implementation of the second stage of lifting the coronavirus pandemic restrictions (including opening hotels, shopping malls and libraries), we would like to inform you that it is possible for universities to gradually restore functioning of student houses and university libraries. Bearing in mind safety and health protection and in order to minimize the risk of coronavirus infection by the users and employees of student houses and libraries, we present safety recommendations for the universities as regards to the reopening of student houses and functioning of university libraries. These recommendations are in accordance with the recommendations and guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspector.

    The universities’ activities related to the restoration of student houses and libraries should be adapted to the actual situation of the university due to the state of the epidemic.

    Guidelines for ensuring safe accommodation in student houses during the COVID-19 epidemic (in Polish)

    In the case of restoring the functioning of university libraries, it is recommended to open them, excluding the possibility of using and working in reading rooms.

    As regards to the restoring the functioning of university libraries during the COVID-19 epidemic, guidelines are published on the website of the Ministry of Development. (in Polish).

