Information for applicants - NAWA

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  • StudentsStudents
  • The Polish LanguageThe Polish Language
  • International Promotion
  • Summer Courses of Polish Language and Culture 2020 canceled

    We regret to inform you about the cancelattion of this year's summer courses in connection with the threats caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Thank you to everyone who submitted application in the program and to all who were interested in our program. We hope that nothing will interrupt the implementation of the Program next year and that we will meet in Poland for summer courses in 2021.

    We are currently making every effort to launch the online program in 2020, in a changed but attractive form, enabling students to learn Polish culture and language as deeply as possible despite the virtual formula. Please wait for information about this project in May.

    One of the main goals of NAWA is the promotion of the Polish language. This goal is implemented, among others, by organizing summer courses of Polish language and culture, during which the participants of the courses can learn Polish intensively (about 20 hours of classes per week), speak Polish at classes and outside (on the street, in a restaurant, during meetings with Poles), visit various cities in Poland, integrate with other foreign students, carry out joint projects. Information for applicants:

    Department of Programmes of Polish Language

    e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    phone: +48-22-390-35-10
