Call for proposals - NAWA

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  • Strategic Partnerships ProgrammeStrategic Partnerships Programme
  • StudentsStudents
  • The Polish LanguageThe Polish Language
  • International Promotion
    No 11/ 2022 of 7 March 2022


    Based on Article 19 section 1 of the Act on the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange of 7 July 2017, the Director of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange announces the call for proposals for participation in the POLONISTA – scholarship and fellowship Programme (hereinafter “the Programme”).




    2.1. Programme objective

    The objective of the Programme is to promote the Polish language and to popularize studies and research in Polish studies and Polish philology around the world. The Programme is addressed to students and doctoral students of Polish philology, Polish studies or Polish programmes implemented among others as part of Slavic studies (in the field of the Polish language, Polish culture and knowledge about Poland) as well as to scientists (researchers) from foreign universities and scientific institutions.

    2.2. Deadline for submitting applications and other requirements

    Deadline for submitting the application

    The call for proposals shall be conducted until 29 April 2022, 15:00:00 local time (Warsaw)

    Manner of submitting applications

    Only in electronic form in the Agency’s ICT system, //FILL IN THE APPLICATION //

    Language of the application

    The application has to be made in Polish

    Maximum number of applications from one Applicant

    Maximum 1 application

     2.3. Thematic areas of activities carried out under the Programme

    Students (including laureates and finalists of the Olympiad of Polish Literature and Language (OPLL) organized outside Poland) and doctoral students - NAWA Scholarship Holders, may, during their stay at a university in Poland, develop their Polish philology interests by participating in lectures and classes in accordance with the curriculum of selected studies, conducting research, carrying out research projects, collecting materials for a diploma or research thesis, improving Polish language skills, using the resources of the university’s libraries and archives.

    Under the Programme, partial (one- or two-semester) studies or full first and second-cycle studies may be pursued as well as obtaining education at a doctoral school. The Applicants shall choose the university where they plan to study by themselves. The field of studies chosen by the Applicant should be consistent with the curriculum of the studies at the home university and with the assumptions of the POLONISTA Programme. The Applicant has to obtain the consent of the host university to undertake the studies and, in the case of candidates for full studies, successfully complete the recruitment procedure at the selected university.

    The language of the studies is Polish.

    2.4. Eligible Applicants

    Applicants who meet the following criteria shall be eligible to apply for the scholarship of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange:

    1.            Students (candidates for one-semester or two-semester studies) who:

    1)           are students of Polish philology, Polish studies or Polish programs implemented, inter alia, as part of first and second-cycle Slavic studies in foreign academic centres and have completed at least one year of the studies at the time of submitting the application;

    2)           have command of the Polish language at least at B1 level (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages);

    3)           have obtained the consent of the home university to study in Poland;

    4)           have obtained the consent of the selected Polish university to complete one- semester or two-semester studies at that university;

    5)           are foreigners (do not have and have not applied for Polish citizenship) or have dual citizenship (Polish citizenship and citizenship of another country) and completed their secondary education outside Poland;

    6)           are not studying in Poland in the academic year 2021/2022;


    2.            Students (candidates for full second-cycle studies) who:

    1)           are students of the last year of Polish philology, Polish studies or Polish programmes implemented, inter alia, as part of first-cycle Slavic studies at a foreign university or have completed such studies (not earlier than two years before the ongoing call) or are laureates or finalists of OPLL and students of the last year of first-cycle Polish philology studies or Polish studies in Poland or have completed such studies (not earlier than two years before the ongoing call);

    2)           are not second-cycle students at the time of applying for participation in the Programme and have not previously obtained a diploma of completion of Master's studies (second-cycle or uniform Master's studies);

    3)           have command of the Polish language at least at B1 level (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages);

    4)           are foreigners (do not have and have not applied for Polish citizenship) or have dual citizenship (Polish citizenship and citizenship of another country) and completed their secondary education outside Poland;


    3.            OPLL finalists (candidates for full first-cycle studies):

    1)           obtained the title of OPLL laureate or finalist in the current school year or within the two years preceding the year of submitting the application under the Programme,

    2)           plan to undertake full first-cycle studies at a selected university in Poland,

    3)           are not first-cycle students at the time of applying for participation in the Programme and have not previously obtained a diploma of completion of studies in Poland;

    4)           are foreigners (do not have and have not applied for Polish citizenship) or have dual citizenship (Polish citizenship and citizenship of another country) and completed or will complete during the year in which the call is held their secondary education outside Poland;


    4.            Doctoral students:

    1)           have completed (or are completing second-cycle studies in the current academic year) Polish philology studies, Polish studies or Polish programs (including Slavic studies) within second-cycle studies at a foreign university or research institution (no earlier than within two years before the ongoing call) and intend to undertake full studies at a selected doctoral school in Poland;

    2)           are attending third-cycle studies at a foreign university or research institution and intend to undertake partial (one-semester or two-semester) studies in Poland;

    3)           have command of the Polish language at least at B2 level (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages);

    4)           are foreigners (do not have and have not applied for Polish citizenship) or have dual citizenship (Polish citizenship and citizenship of another country)

    Applicants applying for the scholarship for full first and second-cycle studies and education at doctoral school shall take part in the recruitment process at the university of their choice. The universities in Poland apply the system of electronic registration of candidates. Persons applying for studies under the terms applicable for Scholarship Holders should register in the university's ICT systems within the time limits required by them and on the terms provided for foreigners. The final decisions on admitting Applicants to the studies shall be made by the universities. NAWA does not refund registration fees.

    2.5. Time frame for the implementation of studies

    Date of commencement and length of the studies

    Start - not earlier than on 01 October 2022

    End - according to the Application and the studies regulations - from 1 to 8 semesters

    2.6. Applying

    List of attachments to the application

    The following documents have to be attached to the application:

    1.         Students of foreign universities applying for the scholarship for one-semester or two- semester studies:

    1)           cover letter in Polish including, inter alia, description of the applicant’s interests, substantiation for the choice of the host university in Poland, outline of the bachelor's or master's thesis or a research project, description of the expected impact of the student’s stay in Poland on his/her further academic development;

    2)           curriculum of studies in Poland approved (stamp and signature of the authorized person) by the host university (the curriculum should be prepared in consultation with the tutors from the home university and the host university as well as take into account the individual needs of the applicant);

    3)           consent of the home university for studying in Poland;

    4)           certificate from the home university confirming the student's status issued not earlier than 30 days before the call for proposals announcement date;

    5)           transcript (list of grades) from the last completed academic year;

    6)           opinion of the academic teacher (tutor/supervisor) from the home university (maximum 2 documents);

    7)           certificate from the host university (Attachment 1), containing:

    a)           consent to complete one-semester or two-semester studies;

    b)           point score of the student’s learning results;

    c)            language proficiency assessment;

    d)           contact details of the tutor from the host university;

    8)           scan of a document confirming citizenship, e.g. passport;

    9)           documents confirming special achievements of the Applicant;

    10)        in the case of individuals with double citizenship - a document confirming the completion of secondary education outside Poland.

    2.         Students or graduates of first-cycle studies at foreign universities applying for the scholarship for full second-cycle studies:

    1)           cover letter in Polish including, inter alia, description of the applicant’s interests, substantiation for the choice of the host university in Poland, outline of the bachelor's or master's thesis or a research project, description of the expected impact of the student’s stay in Poland on his/her further academic development;

    2)           certificate from the home university confirming the student's status issued not earlier than 30 days before the date of the call for applications (the certificate should contain information about the planned date of completing the first-cycle studies and information on the learning results obtained during the first-cycle studies  according  to  the  following  scale: excellent,  very  good,  good,  average, unsatisfactory)  or  first-cycle  studies  completion  diploma  (together with a supplement);

    3)           opinion of the academic teacher (tutor/supervisor) from the home university (maximum 2 documents);

    4)           scan of a document confirming citizenship, e.g. passport;

    5)           documents confirming special achievements of the Applicant;

    6)           in the case of individuals with double citizenship - a document confirming the completion of secondary education outside Poland.

    PLEASE NOTE! This category of Applicants also includes OPLL laureates and finalists who are students of the last year of first-cycle Polish philology studies in Poland (or who are graduates of such studies) and applying for the scholarship for second-cycle studies. In order to obtain points for participation in OPLL, a certificate confirming obtaining the title of laureate or finalist issued by the Main Committee of OPLL should be attached to the application.

    3.         OPLL laureates and finalists applying for the scholarship for full first-cycle studies:

    1)           cover letter in Polish including, inter alia, description of the applicant’s interests, substantiation for the choice of the host university in Poland, outline of the bachelor's or master's thesis or a research project, description of the expected impact of the student’s stay in Poland on his/her further academic development;

    2)           certificate confirming obtaining the title of laureate or finalist, issued by the Main Committee of OPLL;

    3)           certificate of the Main Committee of OPLL containing information on the number of points obtained in the OPLL final;*

    4)           scan of a document confirming citizenship, e.g. passport;

    5)           documents confirming other special achievements of the Applicant;

    6)           in the case of individuals with double citizenship - a document confirming the completion of secondary education outside Poland.

    * 2020 OPLL finalists shall submit a certificate containing information about their rank obtained during the second-level competition.

    4.         Doctoral students:

    1)           cover letter in Polish, including, inter alia, description of Applicant’s interests, justification for the choice of the host university (or other scientific institution running a doctoral school) in Poland, description of the expected impact of the stay in Poland on the further academic and scientific development of the Applicant;

    2)           CV containing, among others, information on education, the course of studies and research work to date, completed projects, internships, awards, additional research activities (membership in scientific societies and organizations) - no more than 3 pages (page size - A4, font size - at least 11 points);

    3)           a scan of the diploma of completion of the second-cycle studies (or a certificate confirming that the Applicant is in the final year of second-cycle studies) from a foreign home university or a scan of a certificate from a foreign home university or research institution confirming that the Applicant is a doctoral student; the certificates must be issued not earlier than 30 days before the date of the call for applications;

    4)           description of the research project which the Applicant intends to implement under the Programme;

    5)           list of publications - max 10 publications not older than from the last 5 years (counted starting from the beginning of 2017);

    6)           opinion of the tutor or supervisor about the Applicant and the planned research project;

    7)           certificate from the host university (Attachment 1) containing: consent to complete one-semester or two-semester studies, language proficiency assessment, contact details of the tutor from the host university (applies to Applicants applying for the scholarship for one-semester or two-semester studies);

    8)           scan of a document confirming citizenship, e.g. passport;

    9)           documents confirming special achievements of the Applicant;

    10)        in the case of individuals with double citizenship - a document confirming the completion of secondary education outside Poland.


    Attachments in a language other than Polish or English have to be translated into Polish or English (a sworn translation as well as a translation certified by a Polish diplomatic mission, home university or host university shall be allowed).

    When attaching a scan of a document, one shall be required to cover a photo, and attaching a document with a visible photo shall mean the consent for the processing of personal data in this regard.

    2.7. Procedure of evaluation and selection of applications for financing

    General principles

    Applications are subject to formal and merit-based evaluation.

    Formal assessment

    The purpose of the formal assessment shall be to verify the applications in terms of meeting the formal criteria set out in this Announcement and in the Regulations of the NAWA Programmes for natural persons taking up education.

    Substantive assessment

    The purpose of the substantive assessment shall be to verify the applications in terms of meeting the quality criteria indicated in this Announcement.

    When assessing the applications of students applying for the scholarship for partial first and second-cycle studies (one-semester and two-semester) and full second-cycle studies in Poland, the following criteria shall be taken into account:






    Goals set by the Applicant and methods of their implementation, including:

    scientific interests,

    substantive coherence of the curriculum of the studies in Poland,

    substantiation of the selection of the host university,

    subject of the planned bachelor's, master's thesis or research project,

    expected impact of the studies in Poland on the Applicant’s further academic development



    Opinion of the tutor / supervisor from the home or host university (the opinion should include, inter alia, assessment of the Applicant's achievements, assessment of his/her potential, assessment of the curriculum of his/her studies in Poland and the benefits obtained by him/her from the stay in Poland)



    Learning results



    Special achievements confirmed by appropriate documents (e.g. scientific achievements, publications, awards, involvement in activities promoting Polish language and culture)





    * Academic results: excellent = 20 points, very good = 15 points, good = 10 points, average = 5 points, unsatisfactory = 0 points

    ** Applicant with the title of OPLL laureate shall receive 20 points; Applicant with the title of OPLL finalist shall receive 15 points

    Negative substantive assessment shall be granted to proposals which, as a result of the final assessment, receive less than 60 points or do not receive at least half of the maximal score in criteria 1 and 3.

    When assessing the applications of OPLL laureates and finalists applying for the scholarship for full first-cycle Polish studies in Poland, the following criteria shall be taken into account:



    Maximum score


    Number of points obtained in the OPLL final *



    OPLL finalist/laureate title

    20 | 15


    Special achievements confirmed by appropriate documents (other than participation in OPLL)





    * 100-76% = 60 pt, 75-51% = 50 pt, 50-26%=40 pt, 25-0%=30 pt

    For 2020 OPLL finalists from:



    Maximum score


    Place taken by the finalist in the OPLL second-level competition*



    OPLL finalist title



    Special achievements confirmed by appropriate documents (other than participation in OPLL)





    * 1st place = 60 points, 2nd place = 55 points, 3rd place = 50 points, 4th place = 45 points, 5th place = 40, 6th place = 35 points, 7th place = 30 points

    Applications which shall receive less than 60 points as a result of the final assessment shall receive a negative substantive assessment.

    When assessing the applications of doctoral students applying for the scholarship for partial (one- semester or two-semester) or full third-cycle studies in Poland, the following criteria shall be taken into account:






    Objectives set by the Applicant and methods of their implementation, including:

    scientific interests,

    research project and the subject of the planned doctoral thesis,

    scientific value and innovation of the project, proposed research or teaching methods, planned results, adequacy of the project duration to the planned activities,

    substantiation of the selection of the host university,



    The course of the Applicant's research or academic activity to date, including:

    learning results,

    special achievements (e.g. scientific achievements, publications, awards, involvement in activities promoting Polish language and culture),



    The impact of participation in the Programme on further scientific / academic development of the Applicant and on the development of the scientific field/discipline in which the project is planned to be implemented



    Opinion of the tutor / supervisor from the home university or the host university





    Applications with less than 60 points obtained in the final assessment and those which have not received at least half of the maximum score in criteria 1 and 2, shall be granted negative substantive assessment.

    2.8. Project budget

    1.           NAWA scholarship shall be granted for a maximum of 10 months within academic year in the case of first- and second-cycle studies and a maximum of 12 months within academic year for education at doctoral schools.

    2.           For Scholarship Holders who intend to pursue a full cycle of studies in Poland, the NAWA scholarship shall be awarded for the number of semesters specified in the regulations of studies.

    3.           The NAWA scholarship shall be disbursed through the university.

    4.           The NAWA scholarship shall be awarded in the amount of:

    1)           PLN 1,250 per month for first-cycle students,

    2)           PLN 1,500 per month for second-cycle students,

    3)           PLN 2,200 per month for doctoral students.

    5.           In addition, Scholarship Holders who have received the scholarship for full first or second- cycle studies shall receive:

    1)           in the first year of studies, an increment of PLN 500 to the first monthly scholarship (this does not apply to students who have completed first-cycle studies in Poland);

    2)           in the final year of studies, the final monthly scholarship increased by PLN 500.

    2.9. Amount of funds available under the call for proposals

    The total allocation for the call for proposals amounts to PLN 800,000, however the Agency reserves the right to change the allocation of funds.

    2.10. Additional information

    The Scholarship Holder is obliged to submit to the host university the Decision of the Agency’s Director within 30 days from the date of its delivery to the Applicant via the Agency’s ICT system.

    The Scholarship Holder is obliged to submit to the Agency within 14 days from the date of admission to the studies a certificate issued by the host university confirming admission to the studies in a specified field and indicating the period of studies’ implementation.


    1.           The Scholarship Holder pursuing partial (one-semester or two-semester) studies is obliged to submit the final report summarizing his/her stay at the host University along with the studies’ course record (issued by the host university) and the opinion of the tutor from the host university, within 30 days from the date of completion of the studies in Poland.

    2.           The Scholarship Holder pursuing full first- and second-cycle studies or education at doctoral school is obliged to submit interim reports along with the studies’ course record and a certificate of admission to the next year of studies by 15 October each year of the studies.

    Submission of the interim report with the required attachments shall constitute a precondition for the disbursement of the scholarship in the following academic year.

    After completion of the studies, the Scholarship Holder shall be obliged to submit the final report along with a scan of the graduation diploma or a certificate from the host University confirming completion of the studies (within 30 days from the date of graduation).

    2.11. Planned date of announcing the results of the Call

    30 June 2022

    2.12. Sources of Programme financing

    National funds



    1) Model certificate from the host university
    2) Regulations of NAWA Programmes for natural persons taking up education
    3) Model Application form
    4) Model agreement with Scholarship Holder
    5) Interim Report Form
    6) Final Report Form


    For additional information, please contact us (working days, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm):

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    phone +48/22 390 35 47

    Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej

    ul. Polna 40

    00-635 Warszawa

    phone +48/22 390 35 44

    fax +48/22 826 28 23


