Information for new academic centers - NAWA

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  • The Polish LanguageThe Polish Language
  • International Promotion
  • Each year National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) includes new academic centers to the list of places where  Agency delegates Polish Lecturers.

    In order to establish the cooperation between NAWA and new academic centers, please read the following instructions, which define issues concerning the inclusion of a center in the Program and the secondment of NAWA’s Polish Lectures to academic centers which NAWA has not cooperated with yet:

    • If you are willing to take part in recruitment to new academic centers for the NAWA Lecturers Program, please send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
    • In response, the instructions for registration and logging in to NAWA ICT system will be sent. In mentioned NAWA ICT an online Form for Higher Education Institutions (HEI) applying for a Polish language teacher must be completed. 
    • The online version of above-mentioned Form should contain the detailed information about the language course along with a description of the requirements for a Polish Lecturer to be selected in accordance with NAWA recruitment procedure.
    • We would like to point out that filling the Form, by indicating current guidelines, contact details and the university expectations towards Polish Lecturer will allow NAWA to conduct the candidates’ recruitment process in a professional manner, thanks to which the best specialists will be selected.
    • The Form should be completed by the end of October in a year preceding the academic year when the academic center plans to join the Program.

    E.g. If the University wishes to join the program and has a Polish language teacher seconded by NAWA in the academic year 2026/2027 then it shall submit the Form until October 2025 at the latest. However, we have finished accepting the university's application for the academic year 2025/2026, and at the beginning of January 2025, we announce recruitment for Polish language teachers.

    • In order to apply to the program and consequently refer NAWA’s Polish Lecturer, it is also necessary to have a Polish diplomatic mission recommendation supporting the participation of the academic center to create a language course in cooperation with NAWA.

    The recommendation may be attached to the online Form for Higher Education Institutions (HEI) applying for a Polish language teacher or sent directly to NAWA.

    • Usually in December of a given year a specially appointed Commission basing on the received Forms selects new academic centers which will be included in the recruitment process for NAWA Lecturers Program in next academic year.
    • The universities are verified in terms of formal and content-related aspects.
    • Please be informed that submitting the completed Form is a necessary condition for participation in the recruitment process, but it does not determine inclusion in the program. It is the Commission that decides which centers will be included in the recruitment for the next academic year.
    • Each university included in the program and to which NAWA will second a Polish language teacher should sign an agreement with the Agency, which regulates the principles of cooperation. Regarding the aforesaid principles, NAWA expects the host university to sign a contract with the teacher, guarantee remuneration and accommodation (or helping with arranging the accommodation).

    We would like to point out that recruitment for lecturers to the NAWA Lecturers Program for given academic year starts at the beginning of the calendar year, which means that for the academic year 2025/2026, recruitment of Polish language teacher starts in January 2025.

    Habitually in April, the Commission recruits and selects candidates, in May the documentation of recommended lecturers is sent to the academic center, and in June the results of the lecturers’ recruitment are announced. Lectors who submitted their candidacy only via the NAWA ICT system are referred to the centers.

    With reference to all the above information, we would like to inform you that the recruitment for new academic centres for 2025/2026 has already been completed.

    We encourage you to apply to the Program for the 2026/2027 academic year!

    In case of any questions or queries, please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
