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  • Strategic Partnerships ProgrammeStrategic Partnerships Programme
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  • International Promotion

    number 11 of 29 March 2023


    Pursuant to Article 19(1) of the Act of 7 July 2017 on the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, the Director of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange hereby announces a call for applications to participate in the Bekker NAWA Programme (hereinafter referred to as the “Programme”).


    2.1 Programme objective

    The objective of the Programme is to support doctoral students, researchers and academic teachers in their pursuit of scientific excellence by financing visits to renowned research and academic centres around the world. The Programme offers the Fellowship Holders the opportunity to complete a postdoctoral fellowship or a portion of their doctoral education, carry out research in cooperation with distinguished scientists from abroad, acquire materials for their research work, and establish long-term relationships with foreign research teams.

    2.2 Eligible Applicants

    The Programme is open to Applicants representing all scientific domains. There are no age restrictions on Applicants. There are also no restrictions on the countries in which the host institutions are located.

    The following are eligible to apply for participation in the Programme:

    1.       Doctoral students, researchers and lecturers without PhD degree:

    a)       A doctoral student who, at the time of application, is pursuing education at a doctoral school and has an individual research plan submitted, as referred to in Article 202(1) of the Act of 20 July 2018 on Higher Education and Science, as amended – proof of status is required.

    b)      A doctoral student who, at the time of application, with regard to whom the doctoral procedure has been opened (no more than four years at the date of application) or the procedure for the award of the doctoral degree has been initiated – proof of status is required.

    c)       researchers and lecturers without PhD degree permanently residing in Poland whose primary place of employment (at the time of submitting the application) is an institution of the Polish system of higher education and science or another entity conducting mainly scientific activity in an independent and continuous manner, holding a scientific category

    PLEASE NOTE: The Programme is open to persons who reside in Poland during the period of their doctoral education.

    2.       A scientist or an academic teacher permanently residing in Poland, who at the time of submitting the application holds at least a doctoral degree and whose primary place of employment (at the time of submitting the application) is an institution of the Polish system of higher education and science or another entity conducting mainly scientific activity in an independent and continuous manner, holding a scientific category.

    NOTE 1: A “visiting” position does not satisfy the employment requirement;

    NOTE 2: The Applicant must not be employed or pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship at the host institution at the time of application.

    As a condition of participation in the call, the Applicant must demonstrate:

    1) Doctoral students, researchers and lecturers without PhD degree: at least one accomplishment

    2) Young Scientists: at least two accomplishments

    3) Experienced Scientists: at least five accomplishments

    of those indicated in items a–e.

    List of accomplishments required for eligibility to apply under the Programme:

    1)      An Applicant may demonstrate several accomplishments under the same item (a, b, c, d, or e) as well as various accomplishments from those listed under items a–e.

    a)       an international publication in a foreign language, published or accepted for publication within the last ten years (counted from the beginning of 2013) in journals listed in one of the international databases: Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, or Arts & Humanities Citation Index, or a publication from the list of scientific journals according to the current (at the time of publication) announcement of the ministry competent for science,

    b)      a peer-reviewed scientific monograph published or accepted for publication in a publishing house listed in the current announcement of the ministry competent for science[1], published within the last ten years (counted from the beginning of 2013).

    PLEASE NOTE: Editing a multi-author monograph does not meet the accomplishment requirement,

    c)       managing within the last five years (counted from the beginning of 2018) a research project selected in a national or international competition, financed from sources external to the institution where the Applicant is pursuing doctoral education or is employed,

    d)      publication within the last five years (counted from the beginning of 2018) in peer-reviewed proceedings of an international conference included in The Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia (CORE) database that has been indexed in the international DBLP Computer Science Bibliography database, or indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus or IEEE Xplore database,

    e)      in the case of representatives of the field of arts: documented presentation of works in a foreign cultural institution or academic centre or granting of an award or mention at an international competition or festival – within the last five years (counted from the beginning of 2018).

    PLEASE NOTE: also representatives of the field of arts should make sure that activities planned within the Project are in line with the objectives of the Programme and the thematic scope defined in section 2.1 of the Announcement (i.e. are related to scientific activities).

    If the provided information or attached documents exceed the indicated limits - only the items within the limit which are listed first will be considered in the course of the merit-based evaluation.

    The period of maternity leave, leave under conditions of a maternity leave, paternity leave, parental leave, or extended parental leave, granted under the rules set out in the Act of 26 June 1974 – Labour Code (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1320, as amended), or periods in which the Applicant received maternity benefit or parental benefit, or sick pay or rehabilitation benefit in connection with inability to work, including due to illness requiring medical rehabilitation, are not included when determining the period for which accomplishments are presented and when determining the status of Young Researcher. For women, the postdoctoral period may be extended by 18 months for each child born or adopted. A woman may choose a more favourable way to indicate breaks in her academic career. In that case, the Applicant should state this in the application.

    PLEASE NOTE: Fellowship Holders under the previous editions of the Bekker NAWA Programme (2018–2021) and have the opportunity to reapply after a waiting period of two consecutive calls following the completion of the previous project under the above programme.

     2.3 Deadline and other requirements for submitting the application

    Deadline for submitting the application

    The call for applications will be open until 31 May 2023, 3:00 pm local time (Warsaw)

    Form of submitting the application

    Exclusively in electronic form via the Agency’s ICT system:

    ·       Doctoral students, researchers and lecturers without PhD degree //FILL IN THE APPLICATION FORM//

    ·       Scientists //FILL IN THE APPLICATION FORM//

    Language of the application

    Model applications, constituting Attachments 1  to this Announcement, are available at www.nawa.gov.pl. The application must be completed in Polish, except for Part III: Information about the project planned for implementation in the host centre, which must be completed in English. Attachments to the application may be prepared in Polish or English. It is acceptable to submit a copy of the doctoral degree certificate in Latin. Copies of the most important publications should be submitted in Polish or in English. The inclusion of publications in other languages is acceptable only if the language of the text is the primary language of publication for the discipline, and the publication itself meets the conditions described in section 2.6. of the Announcement.

    The maximum number of applications from one Applicant

    Each Applicant may submit only one application for funding per call under the Programme, covering a visit to one host institution.

    Additional information

    Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange emphasizes that before preparing the Application and the attachments the Applicant should familiarize him or herself with the call regulations, especially concerning Programme’s merit-based assessment criteria. It is an Applicant’s responsibility to present the project (scientific accomplishments, host institution, scope of planned research) the way which allows to asses the Application adequately by the Evaluation Team and Reviewers as well.

    2.4 Thematic areas of activities carried out under the Programme

    Activities eligible under the Programme include:

    1. carrying out research or development work that is critical at a particular career stage;

    2. acquiring materials for research or a publication;

    3. completing a postdoctoral fellowship;

    4. in the case of doctoral students, completing a part of their education;

    and in addition, only as a supplement to the above, other forms of scientific or academic activity, including teaching.

    The Application may cover one or more of the above activities. The Application should address the objectives, the relevance to career and development of the relevant scientific discipline, and the benefits to the home institution, and justify the choice of the host institution for the planned activities.

    2.5 Project implementation time frame

    Start date

    The Project may be carried out for a period of 3 to 24 months; the visit may start at the earliest on 1 March 2024 and at the latest on 1 October 2024.

    Project duration

    The stay at the host institution lasts:

    1) from 3 to 24 months in the case of a Young Researcher (see section II of the Regulations of NAWA Programmes for Individuals)

    2) from 3 to 12 months for other Applicants, including Doctoral Students.

    Project implementation period

    1)      Project implementation must be continuous.

    2)      In particularly justified cases, a Project may be suspended for a total period of up to three months, subject to the approval of the Host Institution and NAWA (hereinafter referred to as “suspension period”).

    3)      By way of derogation from the principle laid down in section 1, a period away from the host institution (hereinafter referred to as “break period”) of no more than 10% of the total duration of the stay is permitted.

    4)      Neither the break period nor the suspension period may be used in whole or for the most part at the beginning or at the end of the Project implementation period (may not serve to shorten the Project implementation period);

    5)      The difference between the Project start date indicated in the agreement and the actual start date, not exceeding seven days, does not require an amendment to the agreement and is included in the allowable break period;

    6)      No funds shall be awarded during the suspension period. Moreover, a suspension period may not serve as a basis for increased funding.

    2.6 Information required in the application and its attachments

    1.       The application must include all information required in the application form.

    PLEASE NOTE: the list of publications may include a maximum of ten major works published or accepted for publication in the period of ten years (counted from the beginning of 2013; for works accepted for publication, a confirmation of acceptance must be attached).

    2.       The application must be accompanied by the following elements in PDF form:

    1)      scan of the invitation letter from the Host Institution confirming its intention to host the Fellowship Holder for the requested period. The invitation letter should be prepared on the letterhead of the host institution following the model constituting Attachment 3 to this Announcement, dated (not earlier than the date of the call for applications), and signed by the supervisor or another person in charge at the Host Institution[2];

    2)      a scan of a document confirming: the initiation of the doctoral procedure or initiation of the procedure for the award of the doctoral degree / approval of an individual research plan / possession of a scientific degree or title (diploma or – in the case the doctoral degree was awarded not earlier than within 12 months of the day of announcement of the call – a resolution of the board of the authority competent to award the doctoral degree);

    3)      in the case of scientists, academic teachers, researchers and lecturers without PhD degree a certificate from the human resources department confirming the period and form of employment;

    4)      in the case of doctoral students, an opinion of the supervisor at the doctoral education institution about the candidate and the planned project/programme of the visit2;

    5)      in the case of representatives of the field of arts, copies of catalogues bearing an ISBN number or other formal confirmation of the presentation of works at a foreign cultural institution or academic centre, or copies of a prize/award at an international competition or festival – for the last five years (counted from the beginning of 2018);

    6)      if applicable, a statement that the candidate has a certificate of significant or moderate disability – if the candidate is planning to have a carer accompany them during the visit.

    PLEASE NOTE 1: If it is not possible to provide a link to the full content of the publications listed, scans of the full content of the works should be attached to the application; in the case of a monograph, a file containing information about its review, the title page, the editorial page, the table of contents and a selection of excerpts containing the author’s main theses should be attached.

    PLEASE NOTE 2: The photos in the attached scanned documents should be covered, otherwise attaching a document with a photo is tantamount to giving consent to the processing of personal data in that regard.

    2.7 The procedure of assessment and selection of applications for financing

    General principles

    Applications are subject to formal and merit-based assessment.

    Formal assessment

    It is held according to the rules set forth in the Regulations (chapter IV, Section 5.1 of the Regulations of NAWA Programmes for Individuals).

    An application may be not considered for formal reasons also at a later stage of the assessment process, after the completion of formal assessment.

    Merit-based assessment

    Merit-based assessment includes the following steps:

    1.       Preselection

    During the first stage of merit-based assessment, the Evaluation Team preselects applications based on the following criterion: “The Applicant’s academic or scientific career and scientific accomplishments, including the stage of their academic career”.

    As a result of preselection, the Evaluation Team recommends to the next stage of merit-based assessment no more than 70% of the applications that received the highest score (this group does not include the fellowship holders under the second edition of the Iwanowska Programme). After the analysis of all applications, the Evaluation Team determines a score threshold above which applications move to the next stage of merit-based assessment.

    The applicants whose applications are not recommended for the next stage of assessment receive a decision on the refusal to grant funding through the Agency’s ICT system.

    2.       Assessment by Reviewers

    Applications that are recommended for the next stage of merit-based assessment are sent for assessment to two Reviewers. Reviewers are determined by the Evaluation Team using the Agency’s database of reviewers, taking into account the field and discipline of science of the application. The Reviewers assess the application on a scale from 0 to 45 points, based on the following criteria.

    3.         Score by the Evaluation Team

    After taking into account the arithmetic mean of the scores awarded by the Reviewers and after performing its own assessment based on all of the following criteria, the Evaluation Team compiles a ranking list of applications submitted for merit-based assessment. The Team, taking into account the preselection stage, may award a total maximum of 55 points.

    If the Applicant is found to have violated the ethical principles or to have been dishonest in the preparation of the Application, or if the Application is found to be incompatible with the Programme objectives specified in section II of the Announcement, the Evaluation Team may award the Application a score of 0 (zero) at any stage of the assessment, justifying such decision in the appropriate field of the application assessment sheet. In this case, the application may not be granted funding.

    The merit-based assessment of applications is carried out based on the following criteria:

    Description of the criterion


    (Evaluation Team)

    Scores awarded by two Reviewers

    (the arithmetic mean of both scores is taken into account)

    Score awarded by the Evaluation Team


    The Applicant’s scientific or academic career and scientific accomplishments, including the stage of the Applicant’s academic career

    In the case of representatives of the field of arts, the accomplishments indicated in section 2.6.(a–e) shall be assessed, and in the case of other Applicants – in section 2.6.(a–d).





    Renown and scientific level of the host institution

    The assessment covers:

    • the host institution, including its international recognition and importance to the discipline

    • achievements of the team in which the Applicant plans to carry out the Project

    • the scientific standing of the supervisor (their international recognition in the discipline)

    • justification for the choice of the host institution in the context of the activities planned in the project.





    Scope and manner of implementation of the planned scientific or scientific and teaching activities in relation to the Project implementation period

    The assessment covers the scientific value and novelty of the Project, the planned methodology and results, and the adequacy of Project implementation period to the planned activities.





    The impact of participation in the Programme on further scientific/academic development of the Applicant and on the development of the scientific field/discipline of the Project

    The maximum score may be awarded when the Project concerns the mobility of a Doctoral Student or Young Researcher for their first long-term research visit.




    Maximum score




    In total:


    2.8 Amount of funding allocated for the Call

    The total amount of funds allocated for the call is PLN 20,000,000.00. The Agency reserves the right to increase the amount of funds allocated for the call.

    2.9 Project budget

    1.       In calculating the amount of funding, consideration is given to:

    1)      Scholarship in the amount of PLN 9,000 (doctoral students, researchers and lecturers without PhD degree) / PLN 12,000 (researchers) per month (for visits to OECD countries and cities from non-OECD countries ranked in the top 50 of the MERCER report[3]) or PLN 6,000 (doctoral students, researchers and lecturers without PhD degree) / PLN 8,000 (researchers) per month (for other countries) – for each full month of the Fellowship Holder’s stay at a foreign host institution. The Applicant specifies the length of the stay in the application, stating the number of full months of stay, with the stay always starting on the first day of a month.

    2)      a one-time mobility allowance by which the amount referred to in point 1 is increased, amounting to:

    a)         in the case of visits to European Host Institutions, PLN 7,000;

    b)         in the case of visits to non-European Host Institutions – PLN 12,000;

    3)      monthly mobility allowance in the amount of PLN 2,000 for each full month of stay at the Host institution for the Fellowship Holder who has a spouse and/or underage child (under the age of 18) on the day on which the application was submitted. The allowance is also available to the Fellowship Holder with a severe or moderate degree of disability. If the Fellowship Holder has more than one underage child to support, the allowance is PLN 3,000. The allowance is due regardless of whether the Fellow comes with his family. A change in status after submitting the application (marriage or birth of a child) does not entitle to apply for an increase in funding.

    2.       The costs of travel, insurance and legalisation of stay, if required, are borne by the Fellowship Holder.

    3.       Funding under the Programme means the funds referred to in Article 18(2)(1) of the NAWA Act.

    4.       Pursuant to Article 21(1)(39a) of the Personal Income Tax Act of 26 July 1991 (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1128, as amended), fellowships awarded pursuant to a decision of the Director issued under the provisions of the NAWA Act are exempt from income tax.

    5.       If the Fellowship Holder’s status changes (e.g. they obtain a doctoral degree), the fellowship is realised according to the rules specified in the application.

    2.10 Payment schemes

    Under the Project, payments are made according to the  payment schemes pointed in of the Regulations of NAWA Programmes for Individuals section V(1):

    B scheme for projects lasting up to 9 months

    C scheme for projects lasting 10 months and more

    2.11 Documentation of expenses

    The funding referred to in section 2.10 of the Announcement, which consists of lump sums, will be treated as an expense incurred. However, the Agency requires the Fellowship Holder to provide:

    1.         opinion of a representative of the host institution (supervisor or leader of the team which implemented the Project) on the course of the Project, the achieved results and the possibilities of further cooperation with the Fellowship Holder; the opinion must be prepared on the letterhead of the host institution using the model constituting Attachment 4 to this Announcement, dated and signed by the supervisor or another person in charge at the host institution2

    2.         scans of travel documents showing dates of travel for all mobility participants covered by the funding;

    3.         a scan of documents confirming insurance coverage for all the mobility participants covered by the funding, for the entire period of the fellowship;

    4.          if the spouse, children or a carer accompany the Fellowship Holder during the visit, a statement about their stay in a municipality in or near which the Host Institution is located as well as information about the employment or lack of employment of the spouse during Project implementation following the model constituting Attachment 5 to this Announcement;

    and additionally, at the request of the Agency, documentation confirming the implementation of activities and the achievement of the planned results in accordance with the approved application – under the pain of considering the Fellowship ineligible.

    2.12 Submission and verification of reports

    1.       Reports on Project implementation are submitted via the Agency’s ICT system, in Polish, with the exception of the indicated fragments, within deadlines indicated in the Agreement.

    For Projects lasting:

    1)    less than 9 months – the Fellowship Holder submits:

    a.         within 2 months of starting the Project, a certificate from the host institution that the Fellowship Holder has started the Project, scanned travel documents including dates of travel, and proof of insurance;

    b.         final report;

    2)    10 months or longer – the Fellowship Holder is required to submit an interim report on the progress of the Project and a final report.

    2.       The reports must include all information required in the (interim and final) report forms, models of which constitute Attachment 6 to this Announcement.

    3.       A complete and formally correct final report is submitted for formal and financial assessment by NAWA and for merit-based assessment by the Evaluation Team.

    4.       The Evaluation Team assesses the report in terms of the reliability and correctness of the planned activities as well as the legitimacy of any changes introduced during Project implementation.

    5.       The following criteria, among others, are considered in the merit-based assessment:

    1)    compliance of the scope of performed tasks with the application and the Announcement,

    2)    the quality of the achieved results.

    6.       If necessary, the Evaluation Team may consult a Reviewer.

    7.       In the final report, the Fellowship Holder describes all deviations in Project implementation that affect the amount of funding awarded, especially those having to do with the resignation of the Fellowship Holder’s spouse, minor children or carer, etc., from participating in the visit.

    8.       Unused or incorrectly used funds will be deducted from the balancing payment or repaid to the Agency’s bank account within 14 days of the date of the request for repayment if the amount exceeds the amount of the balancing payment.

    2.13 Obligations of the Fellowship Holder

    1.       Possession of at least basic health insurance for all visit participants, including in particular insurance of costs of treatment and transport to hospital, covering the stay at the host institution as well as the travel to the institution and the return travel to Poland; if the host institution is situated in a Member State of the European Union or of the European Free Trade Association, the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) or any other policy covering the indicated scope of protection is recognised as proof of health insurance;

    2.       timely submission of required reports;

    3.       achievement of Project results planned in the application;

    4.       informing the Agency of changes to the Project at least one month in advance;

    5.       informing the Agency that the Fellowship Holder’s spouse has been employed, if covered under the Programme, in the next report;

    6.       informing the Agency of their particular academic, teaching and other achievements;

    7.       proper execution of the fellowship agreement, in particular accounting for the funds awarded.

    The Fellowship Holder may be additionally employed at the host institution if required by the host institution’s regulations.

    The Fellowship Holder is obliged to inform the Agency without delay of any difficulties or irregularities in Project implementation, including of any conflict with the host institution, that could put the implementation of the planned activities to risk.

    2.14 Planned date of announcing the results of the Call

    The results of the Call will be announced by 31 January 2024.

    2.15 The National Component

    The Agency envisages a possibility of additional funding in the form of a National Component for the Fellowship Holders whose mobility lasted 18 months or longer, if after returning to Poland they undertake to establish a new, independent research team and submit a grant application covering the establishment of the team. It is permissible to apply for the National Component also if the type or scope of research does not require the establishment of a research team. In this case, the Fellowship Holder will be required to submit another grant application as a condition of clearing the National Component.

    The Agency plans to launch the call for applications for the National Component under the Programme starting in the second quarter of 2025.

    The Component covers financing of remuneration of PLN 17,000 per month (including the employer’s costs) for six months after the return to the Polish higher education institution. The application will be submitted by the aforementioned institution (home or new) in coordination with the Fellowship Holder three months prior to the end of the fellowship and no later than three months after the end of the fellowship.

    Merit-based assessment will be carried out by the Evaluation Team in accordance with the conditions indicated in the Call for Applications.

    2.16 Sources of Programme funding

    National resources.


    Attachment 1: Model Application Form: Bekker NAWA 2023

    Attachment 2: Model invitation from the host institution

    Attachment 3: Model thesis advisor’s opinion

    Attachment 4: Model certification of doctoral student status

    Attachment 5: Model opinion of the supervisor at the host institution

    Attachment 6: Model reports



    Attachment 7: Model Agreement

    Attachment 8: Regulations of NAWA Programmes for Individuals

    Attachment 9: Evaluation questionnaire template




    For additional information, please contact us (working days, from 9 am to 3 pm):

    Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
    ul. Polna 40

    00-635 Warszawa

    phone no. + 48 451 058 646

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



    [1] https://www.bip.nauka.gov.pl/g2/oryginal/2019_01/1c2912c1f994b8d37a305fac21b8ab54.pdf

    [2]The attached document must be signed either manually or with a qualified electronic signature.

    [3] https://www.mercer.com/our-thinking/career/cost-of-living.html
