Scientists - NAWA

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  • The objective of the ‘Solidary with Scientists’ measure carried out by NAWA together with CRASP is to enable researchers from Belarusian universities and scientific institutions who hold the degree of PhD or higher to visit Polish higher education and scientific institutions. The measure is an expression of solidarity with the Belarusian academic community. Aside from the didactic/scientific purposes, it is intended to support researchers from Belarus by enabling them to conduct high-level research at Polish institutions and to do research and teach without restrictions.

    NAWA is going to grant scholarships to 25 Belarusian scientists. According to the division of funds made by the CRASP Presidium, 19 scientists will be selected by universities associated in CRASP, 3 scholarships will be awarded to scientists selected by PAS scientific institutes, and 3 scholarships will go to researchers chosen by the Łukasiewicz Research Network. The scientists will receive a monthly scholarship for a maximum period of 12 months. If they come to Poland together with their spouses and underage children, the sum of the scholarship will be increased, taking into consideration the number of family members.

    Terms and conditions you can find  below. You can also download the graphic, at the following link: pdfinfografika_ENGLISH_v.1.pdf223.29 KB

