How to obtain a recognition statement - NAWA

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  • If you need a recognition statement, e.g. to present it to your employer or to continue your study at Polish university, you can use the KWALIFIKATOR system, or apply for an individual statement to NAWA according to following instruction.


    We would like to announce that starting from 3 October 2023, applications for a recognition statement on a foreign diploma shall be submitted online using the SYRENA System only.


     Individual recognition statement is issued

       - on a foreign diploma confirming

    • completion of higher education
    • award of an academic degree

       - within 60 days from the date of submission of the complete set of required documents in the SYRENA System,

       - in a form of a digitally signed PDF document,

       - in Polish,

       - free of charge.


    NOTE: If you need recognition of your certificate of secondary education obtained outside Poland - please follow information at the website and contact the authorized institution.

    To obtain a recognition statement on a foreign diploma

    • read the instructions given in the SYRENA - User Manual below, before submitting the application,

               * SYRENA - User Manual

               * SYRENA - Інструкція Kористувача

               * SYRENA - Instrukcja Użytkownika

    • prepare scans of required documents - in PDF or JPG format, with maximum size of each file of 3 MB. Please pay attention to step 2 and step 3 described in the instructions to enter the document data correctly and attach properly:

    - diploma on which the recognition statement you wish to obtain
    - transcript of records / supplement / list of subjects and grades attached to the abovementioned diploma
    - previous document of education - document which was the basis for the admission to studies 
    - transcript of records / supplement / list of subjects and grades attached to the previous diploma (if applicable)
    - translations of all the abovementioned documents (unless they are issued in: English, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian). Translations should be done by a sworn translator.
    - identity card / passport
    - document stating the change of surname
    - in the case of refugees – a refugee status document

    • fill in the application form and add scans of the required documents in the SYRENA System,
    • to submit the application correctly click the individual activation link generated in the SYRENA System and sent to the e-mail address provided in the application form,
    • check the status of your application in the SYRENA System at any time,
    • download the individual recognition statement after receiving a notification sent via the SYRENA System.

    In case of technical problems, please contact us via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Go to the SYRENA System



    - documents submitted to NAWA in paper form will not be returned, regardless of the date the application was sent to NAWA.

    - for applications submitted via the SYRENA System - the status of the case can be checked independently in the system.

    - due to the large amount of applications for recognition statements on foreign diplomas the time of processing requests may be prolonged and exceed the period of 60 days.

