2025/2026 offer - NAWA

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Purpose of the Programme

The aim of the Programme is to deepen international academic cooperation through the arrival of students, doctoral students, academic teachers and scientists to Polish higher education and science institutions, on the basis of international agreements concluded between Poland and the partner countries indicated in the announcement. Moreover, the stays will allow for improving the competences of participating representatives of the academic community.

The programme is implemented in cooperation with institutions from countries covered by the agreements, hereinafter referred to as partner institutions.



Thematic scope of activities implemented under the Programme

Visits are eligible under the Program for the following purposes:

  • completing full or partial studies at universities supervised by the Minister of Science and Higher Education;
  • education at a doctoral school;
  • scientific stay, e.g.: scientific internship, study visits, obtaining materials for scientific work, conducting teaching classes at the host center, other forms of scientific or academic activity related to the implementation of studies, doctoral thesis or scientific work.

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