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A new publication summarizing the experiences of Poland My First Choice programme scholarship holders and key information for foreign candidates who plan to study in Poland is now available online!

Poland My First Choice programme was established by NAWA to encourage young people from developed countries to study at the best Polish universities. The programme has so far enabled 66 students from the European Union, Chile, Israel, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, the United States, Taiwan and the United Kingdom to undertake second-level studies in Poland with NAWA scholarships. In 2019-2023, the program was implemented within the framework of a non-competitive PO WER project entitled Poland My First Choice (PO WER the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development). In 2023 Poland My First Choice NAWA became part of NAWA's permanent offer.

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Nasza publikacja stanowi zarówno informator nt. dostępu do podjęcia studiów w Polsce i możliwości stypendialnych oferowanych przez Narodową Agencję Wymiany Akademickiej, jak i podsumowanie doświadczeń stypendystów programu PMFC.

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What is the process of recruiting foreign students at Polish universities? What opportunities are there for financing studies under NAWA programmes? How do participants in the Poland My First Choice programme evaluate their experiences of studying in Poland? What opportunities are offered by the new edition of the Poland My First Choice NAWA programme?

You can find all the answers in our new publication: "Poland My First Choice. A short guide for international applicants for study". Click the cover below to read the whole ebook.
