Before you fill in and submit the application, find out what kind of certification is required in the country you travel to or intend to submit the certified document.



Find out whether the country you intend to travel to is a member of the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation of the documents and whether the Convention entered into force there.



If the country is a member of the HCCH, apply for the apostille certification. If it is not, apply for the authentication in NAWA and then the legalization in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Bear in mind that documents are not certified on the spot.

Applications are verified and processed within 60 days from the moment of submission and registration of a complete set of documents in the NAWA’s office.

 Applications are verified in accordance with the order in which they are registered.

In exceptional cases, the time during which your documents are verified and certified may be prolonged and, therefore, exceed the period of 60 days indicated above.


Note: Information widely available on the Internet shows that there are institutions providing intermediation services concerning the apostille certification and the legalization of documents.

Therefore, we would like to inform that the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange does not cooperate with institutions providing such services and is not responsible for the quality or price they offer. Documents you wish to certify may be sent by post, as a result, both procedures the apostille certification and the legalisation are fully available to everyone, even to those residing outside Poland.




