NAWA Chair for outstanding scientists awarded! - NAWA

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  • The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange has selected the winners of the second edition of the NAWA Chair programme. Three outstanding scientists will visit Polish universities under the programme.

    The prestigious NAWA grants will go to three institutions, where the visiting scientists – leading researchers, experts and authors of ground-breaking publications in their domains – will carry out studies that respond to contemporary challenges to our civilisation. Moreover, the visiting scientists will establish project groups and actively apply for prestigious Polish and foreign research grants.

    NAWA Chair scientists

    The second edition of the NAWA Chair programme was addressed to universities and scientific institutions that carry out research in the fields of natural sciences, engineering and technology, medical and health sciences, and agricultural sciences. The scientists will begin their stays in Poland in 2023:

    • Prof. Tomasz Taylor from the United States will be holding a NAWA Chair at the University of Warsaw,
    • Prof. Ronald Jan Hendrik Borra from the Netherlands will be holding a NAWA Chair at the Medical University of Gdańsk,
    • Prof. Brendan Kennedy from Australia will be holding a NAWA Chair at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

    Two of the scientists will carry out projects in the field of physics (one concerns optics and acoustics, and the other – elementary particle physics and field theories), and one in clinical medicine, and specifically in radiology, nuclear medicine, and molecular imaging.

    List of beneficiaries 

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    The NCN Research Component

    An important element of the Programme is the Research Component – a starting grant for the implementation of basic scientific research within the first 18 months of project implementation, financed by the National Science Centre (NCN).

    Previous editions

    Under the first edition, which was addressed to institutions that specialise in social sciences, humanities, and theology, five universities received funds to invite outstanding researchers and carry out projects: Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, the University of Warsaw, and the University of Wrocław.

    More about the programme 
