Announcement on the spending of funds on remuneration for the Project Group members under the NAWA Chair programme - NAWA

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  • Documentation of the NAWA Chair programme determines the monthly limit of remuneration of members of the Project Group, taking into account the employer's costs.

    Regarding to the described by the Beneficiaries conditions related to the functioning of Project Groups, since August 9, 2022, the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange adopts an interpretation according to which, at the stage of Project implementation, the Beneficiaries of the NAWA Chair programme have the right to use the amount provided for the remuneration of members of the Group Project without taking into account the monthly limit.

    It makes possible, where necessary, to increase the remuneration of the members of the Project Group or to enlarge the Group based on funds from this cost category that have not been used since the beginning of the Project implementation.

    This position is used for all Programme Beneficiaries, regardless of the edition.

    Remuneration of members of the Project Group should always be in line with the internal regulations of the employing units.
