NAWA Grants for the Rapidly Changing World - NAWA

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  • The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) announces a new programme: NAWA Urgency Grants.

    The objective of the programme is to support the international cooperation of research teams or the international mobility of researchers in response to sudden, important unforeseen social, civilisation and natural events with global or regional implications.

    ‘The rapidly changing modern world confronts science with ever new research challenges. We are often unable to predict what new scientific question will have to be solved or what phenomenon needs to be studied in order for science to make progress and to respond to the needs of society and the economy. NAWA Urgency Grants are dedicated to fund research projects that ought to be carried out immediately, otherwise we risk wasting the opportunity to solve a particular scientific problem,’ explains Dr. Grażyna Żebrowska, Director General of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.

    NAWA’s grant under the programme will amount to up to half a million zlotys per research project lasting from three to twelve months. Support will be granted to projects that cannot obtain funding under other funding mechanisms. NAWA Urgency Grants will be awarded on a continuous basis until 31 December 2020 or until the programme budget is exhausted. Each submission will be evaluated within 30 days, so that the scientists can launch their projects as soon as possible. Applications may be submitted by Polish higher education and scientific institutions.

    ‘Our objective is to fund international ground-breaking projects with a clearly defined research goal. Their completion will allow scientists to collect data, gain new knowledge, or study the effects and significance of an extreme phenomenon or event as quickly as possible after its occurrence. Moreover, it will facilitate international cooperation among scientists,’ Dr. Grażyna Żebrowska adds.

    The grant can be used to finance among others: remuneration of persons directly involved in the project, scientists’ mobility and potential expert opinions. Also eligible are expenses related to establishing efficient remote communication or gaining access to specialist equipment.

    Detailed information concerning the programme can be found HERE.

    Please kindly note that we are closely monitoring the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic and limitations it poses on international travel. If the implementation of projects is not possible within the planned deadlines, we will adjust the schedule to the existing situation, taking into account the safety of NAWA beneficiaries and citizens of our country.

