The Ulam Programme – fellowships for incoming researchers in Poland - NAWA

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  • Strategic Partnerships ProgrammeStrategic Partnerships Programme
  • StudentsStudents
  • The Polish LanguageThe Polish Language
  • International Promotion
  • Are you thinking about the next step in your scientific career? Take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Ulam Programme!

    Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) is pleased to announce the second edition of the programme for post-doctoral incoming researchers: The Ulam Programme. We would like to invite you to be a part of this unique and valuable experience which will help you to develop your career by intensifying international mobility as well as will allow you to establish scientific cooperation with excellent host institutions in Poland.

    The Ulam Programme will allow both recognised and promising scientists with at least the doctoral degree, to visit Poland in order to strengthen the scientific potential of Polish entities and to participate in their scientific activities, primarily research projects and didactics. The programme will allow to invite scientists from all around the world representing all fields of science to the Polish institutions of science and higher education.

    Visits within the Ulam Programme can last from 6 to 24 months. The Programme provides financing for a fellowship covering both the Beneficiary’s allowance costs in relation to their stay at a host institution, in an amount of approx. 2400 EUR a month and a mobility allowance.

    The call for proposals is open from 15th January to 23rd April 2020

     NAWA uses an online application process.


    NAWA UlamProgramme2020
