The Modern Foreign Promotion Programme - NAWA

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  • Strategic Partnerships ProgrammeStrategic Partnerships Programme
  • StudentsStudents
  • The Polish LanguageThe Polish Language
  • International Promotion
  • The main aim of the Programme is to support universities and scientific units by financing projects targeted at their promotion abroad. This is how NAWA wants to stimulate scientific entities towards a modern and effective promotion of didactic and scientific offer abroad and contribute to the creation of effective tools for acquiring foreign candidates for studies as well as research and teaching staff.

    The Programme is targeted at the following units:

    • Polish universities,
    • scientific units of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
    • research institutes,
    • international scientific institutes operating on the territory of the Republic of Poland,
    • institutes of Łukasiewicz Research Network.

    Activities covered by the financing under the Programme:

    • developing long-term relations with International Alumni,
    • developing and using web pages, apps, data bases and ICT systems in order to achieve promotional goals,
    • information and promotion online, including social media to reach target groups,
    • information and promotion activities, including fairs, meetings, conferences in Poland and abroad,
    • PR activities, cooperation with bloggers, youtubers etc.,
    • integrated projects and info-promo campaigns involving complex activities,
    • multimedia, films or other info-promo materials,
    • funding scientific publications in prestigious international journals that are indexed in Scopus or Web of Science,
    • organising in Poland international scientific conferences in order to disseminate research results.

    The implementation of a single project must cover a period of 6 to 12 months and fall within the time range from 1 October 2019 to 30 September 2020.”


