Agenda - NAWA

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    • Warsaw, September 11-12, 2024

    Old BUW building, University of Warsaw — Krakowskie Przedmieście street 26/28


    After all, science is essentially international, and it is only through lack of a historical sense that national qualities have been attributed to it.”

    Maria Skłodowska-Curie


    WEDNESDAY: September 11, 2024




    Conference registration


    Opening of the Congress


    • Alojzy Z. Nowak, Prof. - Rector of the University of Warsaw;
    • Andrzej Szeptycki, Prof. - Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
    • Bartłomiej Nowak, PhD - Chairman of the NAWA Council;
    • Krzysztof Jóźwiak, Prof. - Director of the National Science Centre;
    • Bogumiła Kaniewska, Prof. - President of Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland, Rector of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.


    Introductory lecture: Critical reflections on the Internationalization of Research and Science in Higher Education in a time of geopolitical challenges


    • Hans de Wit, Prof.

    Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Fellow, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College, Senior Fellow International Association of Universities, C-Editor Policy Reviews in Higher Education.


    Higher Education has always been international, but only in the 1990s internationalization has become an integral part of higher education policies and strategies. Over the past 35 years it has evolved from marginal, ad hoc and fragmented into a key strategy, and from a Western paradigm into a global phenomenon, but has taken many forms and is still rather unequal and exclusive. What have been the main trends, meanings and forms of internationalization? How does internationalization manifests itself in the three missions of higher education: teaching, research and service to society? What will be the future of internationalization in a time of geopolitical challenges, political, economic and social? These questions will be addressed in this presentation.


    Plenary session: How to effectively shape international scientific cooperation?



    • Dariusz Jemielniak, Prof. - Vice-president of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Professor at Koźmiński University.



    • Katarina Bjelke, Prof. - Director General of the Swedish Research Council (online);
    • Matthias Egger, Prof. dr. med. - President of National Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF);
    • Krzysztof Jóźwiak, Prof. - Director of the National Science Centre;
    • Agnieszka Ratajczak - Director, Office of International Cooperation, National Centre for Research And Development;
    • Zofia Sawicka, PhD - Acting Director General, Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange;
    • Gintaras Valinčius, PhD - Chairman of the Lithuanian Research Council (LRC);
    • Maciej Żylicz, Prof. - President of the Board, Foundation for Polish Science.


    Among the Polish and international research funding agencies, we will look at Poland's role as a leader in its geographical region and the contribution of its scientists in shaping the internationalization of scientific collaboration. The discussion will also address the needs and challenges of internationalization in the current scientific landscape and the best methods to support it.

    Panel organised in cooperation with the National Science Centre.


    Coffee break


    Plenary session: A researcher in Poland in the dynamic international scientific collaboration.



    • Paweł Laidler, Prof. - Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Jagiellonian University in Kraków.



    • Lars Eivind Augland, Prof. - Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo (online);
    • Grażyna Jurkowlaniec, Prof. - Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw;
    • Kinga Kamieniarz-Gdula, Prof. - Director of Centre for Genomic Regulation, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań;
    • Monika Kusiak, Prof. Eng. - Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences;
    • Marek Kwiek, Prof. - Chairholder of UNESCO Chair in Institutional Research and Higher Education Policy, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań;
    • Grzegorz Sumara, Prof. - Associate Professor in Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Science.


    The topic of the plenary discussion will be the exchange of experiences and visions related to internationalization from the perspective of scientists conducting their research in Poland. An important aspect of the conversation will be highlighting the differences in international collaboration across various scientific disciplines and the associated challenges and limitations.


    Panel organised in cooperation with the National Science Centre.


    Lunch break



    Being a scientist in a European Universities alliances - is it worth it?



    • Dominik Antonowicz, Prof. - Chair of Department of Science and Higher Education, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Member the Council of NAWA.


    • Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler, Prof. - Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Internationalisation, University of Gdańsk;
    • Tomasz Pietrzykowski, Prof. - Vice-Rector for International and Domestic Cooperation, University of Silesia;
    • Krzysztof Wasilewski, Prof. - Vice-Rector for Education, EU4Dual Head of local office, Koszalin University of Technology; Head of the Regional and European Studies Department at the Faculty of Humanities.


    In this debate, we would like to reflect on, how much scientific cooperation within alliances should be supported at the university and national level. Should research conducted with network partners be given higher priority than other collaborations? What is more important - scientific quality and efficiency, or building strategic relationships at the university level? Is strengthening cooperation within alliances more important for smaller institutions than those with extensive scientific networks? And if we want to support and promote scientific collaboration within alliances of European universities, how can we do it wisely? How should grant schemes be programmed - should certain types of cooperation, such as within alliances be prioritized?

    Risks connected with international research cooperation.



    • Jennifer Johnson Director Research & Innovation Office at Loughborough University.


    • Ann-Mari Fineman - National Contact Point at VINNOVA: Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems, Joint Research Center (JRC);
    • Valérie Hůrská, Eng. - Counter Foreign Interference Manager, Security Department of the Rectorate, Charles University;
    • Fiona Quimbre – Senior Analyst at the RAND Europe.


    The session will include a presentation on the UK’s approach to research security, followed by a panel discussion featuring panellists from a number of European countries. The session will aim to come up with combined recommendations, based on different countries’ experiences and approach to research security.


    Panel organised in collaboration with the UK Embassy in Poland and the UK Science & Innovation Network.


    Recording of the panel - video link


    Coffee break


    Recording of the first part of the event - video link


    Internationalization of science as an element of a country's development vision




    • Michał Szułdrzyński - Deputy editor-in-chief of „Rzeczpospolita”.


    • Henryka Mościcka-Dendys, PhD - Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (online);
    • Ignacy Niemczycki - Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology;
    • Andrzej Szeptycki, Prof. - Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
    • Marta Mioduszewska - Deputy Director of the Department of Innovation and Development Support Programmes, Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy.


    Although in the declarative layer the role of science and its global dimension is strongly emphasized in various contexts, with concrete decisions we often see that approaches to this issue differ between ministries responsible for science, international cooperation or development issues.


    By inviting you to this debate, we are trying to find common inter-ministerial priorities related to the international development of science. We want to not only define what is important, but also what specific steps we can take together to ensure that science conducted in Poland has global significance and serves the development of the country, Europe and the world.


    Science made in Poland - what are we really fighting for in promotion abroad?



    • Natalia Osica - CEO of ‘pro science’, founder of the Science PRO Foundation, science communication expert at the European Research Council.


    • Katarzyna Czechowicz - Editor of Science in Poland, the English version of PAP's Science in Poland portal;
    • Anna Rolczak - Head of Communications and PR Centre at the University of Łódź, Vice President of Association for PR and Promotion of Polish HEIs "PRom";
    • Paweł Rowiński, Prof. - President of European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA), Former Vice-President of Polish Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences;
    • Łukasz Zamęcki, Prof. - Head of the ministerial team for promotion of science abroad, the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw;
    • Małgorzata Feusette-Czyżewska - Director of the Department of Communication and Promotion, the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.

    Internationalisation of doctoral schools II



    • Aleksandra Lewandowska - Plenipotentiary for International Cooperation, Polish National Association of Doctoral Candidates.


    • Justyna Franc-Dąbrowska, Prof. - Director of the Doctoral School,  Warsaw University of Life Sciences;
    • Paulina Góra, MA Eng. - Chairwoman of West Pomeranian Association of Doctoral Candidates, Member of the Presidium of the General Council for Science and Higher Education as Representative of the Polish National Representation of Doctoral Candidates, Research and teaching assistant, Maritime University of Szczecin;
    • Anna Nieczaj, MA Eng. - Board Member of the Polish National Association of Doctoral Candidates, Rzeszów University of Technology;
    • Ignacy Rogoń, MA Eng. - Chairman of the Doctoral Students' Self-government Council of the Gdańsk Tech, Vice-Chairman of the Agreement of Doctoral Students of Technical Universities, Gdańsk University of Technology;
    • Anna Sobocińska, PhD - Mentorship Team Lead, Polonium Foundation.


    The panel, convened for the second time, presents a distinctive opportunity to thoroughly explore and deepen the discourse on global trends and challenges pertaining to doctoral education. Esteemed experts and representatives from Doctoral Schools will engage in discussions about best practices, effective strategies, and the benefits stemming from the internationalization of doctoral programs. Particular focus will be given to the perspectives of doctoral students, scrutinizing their needs, expectations, and career development prospects within the global academic landscape. The overarching aim of the panel is to facilitate the exchange of experiences and formulate recommendations for institutions endeavoring to enhance the quality and appeal of their doctoral programs.


    Panel organised in collaboration with the Polish National Association of Doctoral Candidates.


    Recording of the panel - video link


    Recording of the second part of the event - video link





    THURSDAY: September 12, 2024




    25 years of Polish science in the ecosystem of EU Framework Programmes. Where are we and where are we heading?


    • Magdalena Bem-Andrzejewska - Director of the National Contact Point for Horizon Europe, National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR).


    • Leszek Kaczmarek, Prof. - Full Professor at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS in Warsaw, Head of the BRAINCITY, International Research Agenda, Ordinary Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Member of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and Academia Europaea;
    • Beata Lubos, PhD - Director of the Department of International Cooperation, Łukasiewicz - Institute of Aviation (ILOT);
    • Adam Piotrowski, PhD Eng. - CEO of VIGO Photonics S.A.;
    • Tomasz Poprawka, PhD - Director at the Polish Science Contact Agency (PolSCA) in Brussels;
    • Lucyna Woźniak, Prof. - Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations, Medical University of Łodź.

    The aim of the panel is to discuss the importance of participation in the Framework Programmes for the broad landscape of Polish science. We will talk about statistics, Polish weaknesses and specialties, systemic and individual barriers. What are the benefits of participating in the Framework Programmes for the country, the involved organization and the individual researchers, and do they outweigh the difficulties?

    What is the situation like on the 25th anniversary of Poland’s accession to the FPs, what can and should it look like, what should be undertaken at various operational levels, also in the context of the next EU FP10?


    Panel organised in cooperation with the National Contact Point for Horizon Europe, National Centre for Research and Development.


    Coffee break


    Scientific career in international space – how to build it?


    • Marta Miączyńska, Prof. - Director of International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw – IIMCB, Vice Chair of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO).

    Turbo presentations:

    • Zygmunt Derewenda, Prof. - Director of the Visiting Graduate Research Student Program, University of Virginia;
    • Maja Zofia Kiba-Janiak, Prof. - Assistant Professor, Director of the Excecutive MBA programme, Wrocław University of Economics;
    • Yaroslav Shpotyuk, PhD - Institute of Physics, University of Rzeszów (online);
    • Wojciech Stępniowski, Prof. - Associate professor, Military University of Technology;
    • Róża Szweda, Prof. - Associate Professor, Head of Programmable Polymers Laboratory Center for Advanced Materials, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.


    During the debate, we want to discuss what solutions hinder and what solutions favor international mobility. At what stage of one's career to plan for such mobility and how can both researchers and institutions best benefit from it? How to take advantage of the collaborative networks formed by mobile scientists? We will learn the perspective of scientists who actively use mobility and international cooperation in the development of their scientific careers. These answers will be considered for the emerging national strategy for internationalization of higher education and science.


    Lunch break


    Scientific career in international space – how to evaluate it?


    • Stanisław Kistryn, Prof. - Vice-Chair of the Central Council for Science and Higher Education, Coordinator of the Polish National Chapter of CoARA, Jagiellonian University in Kraków.


    • Wojciech Grochala, Prof. - Head of the Laboratory of Technology of Novel Functional Materials, Centre of New Technologies of the University of Warsaw;
    • Ragnar Lie, Prof. - Senior adviser on research and knowledge policies, Universities Norway;
    • Jakub Pruś, PhD - Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy at Ignatianum University in Kraków, Member of the Young Scientists Council;
    • Anetta Undas, Prof. - President of the Council of the NCN, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Collegium Medicum;
    • Danuta Zawadzka, Prof. - Rector of the Koszalin University of Technology, Vice-chair of Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities (CRPTU).

    This panel aims to discuss the research career assessment and its international dimension in the context of the European framework to attract and retain research, innovation and entrepreneurial talents in Europe and the state of its implementation in Poland. We will have a look at the best practices of the Norwegian research assessment system and an outlook by the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment. The panel outcomes will be considered for the emerging national strategy for internationalization of higher education and science.


    Strategic internationalization from the perspective of universities - the example of the University of Warsaw



    • Alojzy Z. Nowak, Prof. - Rector of the University of Warsaw;
    • Sambor Grucza, Prof. - Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Human Resources, University of Warsaw;
    • Ewa Krogulec, Prof. - Vice-Rector for Development, University of Warsaw.


    Recording of the second day of the event - video link


    Coffee break/networking
