Speakers - NAWA

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  • 2nd Internationalisation Congress





    Wednesday: 11th September 2024


    9:00-9:30 - Opening of the Congress



    Alojzy Z. Nowak

    Alojzy Z. Nowak, Prof. - Rector of the University of Warsaw, economist. Expert in finance, insurance and international economic relations. Laureate of many awards and distinctions. Member of many supervisory and scientific boards, and editing teams of numerous prestigious science periodicals worldwide.



    Andrzej Szeptycki

    Andrzej Szeptycki, Prof. - Undersecretary of State in The Ministry of Science and Higher Education responsible for international cooperation. Political scientist, University professor at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw, expert of Institute Strategies 2050 think tank. He lectured, among others, in France, Ukraine and China. Research interests: foreign policies of Poland, Ukraine and Russia, post-colonial studies, politics of memory, national and ethnic minorities and immigration. Currently head of the research project „Wars of Russia: causes, determinants, course and consequences of military combat operations of the Russian Federation in the post-Cold War period” financed by the Polish National Science Centre.



    Bartlomiej Nowak

    Bartłomiej Nowak, PhD -Chairman of the NAWA Council. Political scientist, Ph.D. in economics, lecturer at the Vistula Academy of Finance and Business, member of the Forecasting Committee at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Programme Council of the United Nations Association in Poland (UNAP) and strategic advisor at the Kazimierz Pulaski Foundation. He was President of the Vistula University Group (2020-22), Head of the Department of International Relations at AFiB Vistula (2014-2017), and Executive Director of the Centre for International Relations (2010-2013). Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, School of Transnational Governance (2018) and the Transatlantic Academy in Washington DC (2013-2014). He completed postgraduate studies for executives in political and economic reform management at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government (2005). In the past, he also held executive and advisory positions in the European Parliament (Brussels-Strasbourg, 2004-2009) and the Convention on the Future of Europe (Brussels, 2002-2003). Before Poland's accession to the EU, he was a co-founder and member of the Programme Board of the "YES in Referendum" initiative (2002-2003), as well as the National Council for European Integration (2002-2004).



    Krzysztof Jozwiak

    Krzysztof Jóźwiak, Prof. – Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Lublin, conducting research on molecular pharmacology and medicinal chemistry. Co-author of over 100 publications, two international patents and a number of plenary lectures. Editor and co-author of the book “Drug Stereochemistry: Analytical Methods and Pharmacology” (2013). Head of research grants awarded by the State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) and Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW), winning applicant of the FOCUS and TEAM programmes operated by Foundation for Polish Science, and a member of the consortium operating a project commissioned by the National Institutes of Health (USA). Recipient of scientific awards of the Polish Minister of Health and the UCB-Ehrlich Award for Excellence in Medicinal Chemistry by the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry. In years 2012-2020 member of the NCN Council and former Head of the Council’s Life Sciences Committee. Since October 2023, Director of the NCN.



    Bogumila Kaniewska

    Bogumiła Kaniewska, Prof - President of Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland, Rector of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Literary scholar, Polish philologist, translator, professor of humanities. She specializes in the history of literature, contemporary literature and theory of literature. She is a chair of the Department of Literature Semiotics of the Institute of Polish Philology at the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań. In the years 2005-2012 she was the deputy director for scientific affairs at the Institute of Polish Philology at AMU, and 2012-2016 – the dean of the Faculty of Polish and Classical Studies at AMU. In the years 2016-2020 she was the vice-rector for student affairs at AMU, and from September 1, 2020 she is the rector of the University. In 2020, she was also elected a president of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities.She is the author or co-author of nearly 100 scholarly works – books and articles. Her research focuses on 20th-century literature; she engages in literary criticism too. She is also a translator of English-language prose, particularly children’s prose, which is her great passion. In 1995 she obtained a doctorate, in 2001 – a postdoctoral degree, and in 2015 – the title of professor of humanities.




    9:30-10:00 - Introductory lecture: Critical reflections on the Internationalization of Research and Science in Higher Education in a time of geopolitical challenges



    Hans de Wit

    Hans de Wit, Prof. - Is Distinguished Fellow of the ‘Center for International Higher Education’ (CIHE) and Emeritus Professor in International Higher Education at Boston College. From 2015-2020 he was director of CIHE. He is Senior Fellow by the International Association of Universities (IAU). He is the Founding Editor of the ‘Journal of Studies in International Education’, and Co-Editor of 'Policy Reviews in Higher Education' (SRHE). He publishes a blog in University World News. He has (co)written many books and articles on international education and is actively involved in assessment and consultancy in international education. He is member of the Editorial Board and Scientific Committee of the Bologna Process Researchers Conference, and an expert in the Council of Europe project ‘Democratic Mission of Higher Education and Academic Freedom'. He is founding member (1989) and past president (1993-1994) of the European Association for International Education (EAIE). He has been Director of the ‘Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation’ (CHEI) in Milan, Italy, and Professor of Internationalization at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.



    10:00-11:30 - Plenary session How to effectively shape international scientific cooperation?




    Dariusz Jemielniak

    Dariusz Jemielniak, Prof. - Is a professor of management at Kozminski University, where he heads the MINDS department (Management in Networked and Digital Societies). Since 2016, he has also been a faculty associate at the Berkman-Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard. In 2019, he became the youngest member of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the social sciences and humanities in history. In his research, he analyzes online communities through ethnographic and quantitative research. He holds habilitations in management (2009) and sociology (2014). He spent over 7 years in the USA at Cornell University, University of California Berkeley, MIT, and Harvard. His major books include “Common Knowledge?” (2014, Stanford University Press), "Collaborative Society" (2020, MIT Press, co-authored with A. Przegalińska), “Thick Big Data” (2020, Oxford University Press), and “Strategizing AI in Business and Education” (2023, Cambridge University Press, co-authored with A. Przegalińska). He is a Fulbright scholar, and has received grants from "Polityka" magazine, the Foundation for Polish Science, and others. From 1998-2004, he was the chairman of Collegium Invisibile. From 2015-2025, he was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation. He is the Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Escola S.A. From 2023-2027, he is the vice-president of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He has been a member of the board of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) since 2024.





    Katarina Bjelke

    Katarina Bjelke, PhD - Was appointed Director General of the Swedish Research Council in 2022. She has a long experience in academia in different positions, starting of as a Doctor of Dental Surgery, DDS and a PhD in Medicin, Neuroscience from Karolinska Institutet, mixing clinical work and research. Thereafter as a Director of Research and Postgraduate education at Karolinska Institutet. From 2008, she worked seven years as Director of Research Policies for the Government with main responsibility of the Swedish research policy for Sweden. Simultaneously she was principal for several Research Infrastructures Agencies and the Swedish universities and University colleges. Dr.Bjelke served first as University Director at Uppsala University and then at Karolinska Institutet for a total of eight years. She has hold positions as Chair of the Audit Committee of the Nobel Foundation and the Swedish National Space Agency, elected member of the boards of Young Academy of Sweden, the Association of SE Higher Education Institutions, European Spallation Source, STINT and several holding companies. At present she is an elected board member of Science Europe and Swedish Public and Science.


    Prof. Matthias Egger

    Matthias Egger. Prof. - Is the President of the National Research Council at the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Since 2002, Matthias Egger has been a professor of epidemiology and public health at the University of Bern. Until 2016, he headed the university’s Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine. He has also been a Professor of Clinical Epidemiology at the University of Bristol in the UK since 2002. In 2017 he was elected President of the National Research Council of the SNSF. Between April and July 2020, he led the scientific task force advising the Swiss government on the COVID-19 pandemic. He has recently worked on projects involving vaccination against Ebola, studies on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and cancer in southern Africa, as well as methodological projects.



    Krzysztof Jozwiak

    Krzysztof Jóźwiak, Prof. - Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Lublin, conducting research on molecular pharmacology and medicinal chemistry. Co-author of over 100 publications, two international patents and a number of plenary lectures. Editor and co-author of the book “Drug Stereochemistry: Analytical Methods and Pharmacology” (2013). Head of research grants awarded by the State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) and Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW), winning applicant of the FOCUS and TEAM programmes operated by Foundation for Polish Science, and a member of the consortium operating a project commissioned by the National Institutes of Health (USA). Recipient of scientific awards of the Polish Minister of Health and the UCB-Ehrlich Award for Excellence in Medicinal Chemistry by the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry. In years 2012-2020 member of the NCN Council and former Head of the Council’s Life Sciences Committee. Since October 2023, Director of the NCN.



    Agnieszka Ratajczak

    Agnieszka Ratajczak -Director, Department of International Cooperation, National Centre for Research and Development, Poland Experienced public sector executive, provides strategic advice to the NCBR top management, based on her deep domain expertise and established experience. Agnieszka is a graduate of The National School for Public Administration, Warsaw and The Institute of Interntional Relations at Warsaw University. She also holds a bachelor’s degree from English Philology, University of Wrocław. Agnieszka has held high managerial positions in institutions dealing with scientific policy and research funding. Agnieszka has been with NCBR since 2011 with the aim to develop international cooperation and enhance NCBR international visibility. Prior to NCBR, Agnieszka worked as Director of European Affairs and Deputy Director of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Agnieszka is an expert in the design of programmes focused on supporting innovative, research-based projects. A new area in her portfolio includes acceleration programmes for young technology-based companies seeking global expansion. A long-standing member of international committees and bodies dealing with both R&I policy and funding, Agnieszka also sits on the Committee for Internationalisation at the National Agency for Academic Exchange.



    Zofia Sawicka

    Zofia Sawicka, PhD -Acting Director General of the agency since 5th June 2024. Previously, she was the Deputy Director General of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange since the beginning of the institution's existence (2017). She has been responsible for creating more than 20 NAWA scholarship and grant programs. She created a system of cooperation with external experts and initiated and developed cooperation with the U.S. National Science Foundation. She led the work resulting in the establishment of the Interdisciplinary Center for Polish Studies at the University of Haifa in 2022. The author of the concept of the “Solidarity with Ukraine - European Universities” program. Since 2023, she has been coordinating work at NAWA on the development of a national strategy for the internationalization of science and higher education. Previously, at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, she worked on the concept of establishing and operating NAWA (2016-2017). In 2013-2020, she conducted research and teaching activities as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, Department of Public Management. She obtained her PhD in economics in 2012. She was a scholarship holder of mobility programs - Regensburg, Germany 2006-2007 and Ludwig-Maximilian Universität, Munich, Germany 2000/2001. In 2008 - 2011, she implemented a grant from the National Science Center. She advised on the creation of development strategies for Polish universities. Since May 2024, she has been included in the Council of the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA). She is a member of the ministerial advisory team for activities to promote Polish science abroad.



    Gintaras Valincius

    Gintaras Valinčius, PhD - Is currently Chairman of the Research Council of Lithuania. His career includes numerous international academic activities, including a four-year assignment as a visiting scientist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, where he focused on biotechnology and life sciences research. Upon his return to Lithuania, he rose to the position of senior researcher at the State Institute of Biochemistry. His influence extended beyond academia, he led the Life Sciences Center at Vilnius University, an international hub for innovation and interdisciplinary research. He served as Executive Director of the VU GMC-EMBL Partnership Institute, fostering international collaboration. He is an accomplished science policy expert, contributing to international partnerships and advancing research infrastructure in Lithuania. His contributions have been recognized with awards such as the Lithuanian Science Prize and the Order of Grand Duke Gediminas.



    Maciej Zylicz

    Maciej Żylicz, Prof. - Studied physics and biology at the University of Gdańsk and earned his doctoral degree and professorship in the field of molecular biology and biochemistry. In 1980–1999 he conducted a research at the University of Gdańsk (in 1990–1993 as vice rector for research), and in 1999–2005 at the University of Warsaw. During 1999–2016 he was a head of the Department of Molecular Biology at the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw. Since 2005 he has been serving as president of the executive board of the Foundation for Polish Science. His research on heat-shock proteins has been widely cited (24 papers cited more than 100 times). He has isolated and provided a biochemical description of the first heat-shock proteins, demonstrated their involvement in DNA replication, dissociation of protein aggregates, folding and degradation of other proteins. He discovered the involvement of molecular chaperones in activation of tumour suppressor protein, p53. His recent research on chaperone-dependent chemoresistance of cancer cells may have clinical implications. He is a member of numerous Polish and foreign scientific academies and the winner of many scientific awards (including the Foundation for Polish Science Prize). He holds honorary doctorates from the University of Wrocław, the University of Gdańsk, and Jagiellonian University.




     12:00-13:30 - Plenary session: A researcher in Poland in the dynamic international scientific collaboration




      Pawel Laidler

    Paweł Laidler, Prof. - Professor of political science, American studies expert, constitutional law scholar, lawyer, employed at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora at the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University. Jagiellonian University Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs for the 2024-2028 term. In the years 2016-2020, deputy dean of the Faculty of International and Political Studies for educational affairs, and the dean of the Faculty in the years 2020-2024. Member of the Political Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Author of several dozen scientific texts on the political and legal system of the United States of America, in particular the Supreme Court, elections and election campaigns, the judicialization of politics and the politicization of justice, as well as the separation of powers and other aspects related to American constitutionalism. Principal investigator of several international and domestic projects, participant of several research stays and internships, including American and German universities. He has been awarded many times for scientific, teaching and organizational achievements at the University.





    Lars Eivind Augland

    Lars Eivind Augland, PhD - Is a geologist and geochronologist applying high precision geochronology and isotope-geochemistry to the study of magmatic processes, such as the timing and evolution of Large Igneous Provinces, the ascent and emplacement histories of mantle-derived magmas, and Early Earth crust-formation. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Department for Geosciences at the University of Oslo, Norway, where he leads the U-Pb TIMS branch of the Goldschmidt Laboratory. He has previously been employed at GEOTOP, Université du Québec à Montreal, Canada. Lars is also involved in research on boundary events in the stratigraphic record and how magmatic rocks can trace (upper) mantle dynamics. (online)



    Grazyna Jurkowlaniec

    Grażyna Jurkowlaniec, Prof. - Is an art historian (PhD 2000), currently a professor at the Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw. She is about to launch an ERC Advanced Grant and has previously been the Principal Investigator for three projects funded by the National Science Centre, Poland. Internationally, she has served three times as a panel member for ERC Consolidator Grants, including once as Panel Chair, and has acted as a reviewer for ERC and various national agencies in Germany, the Czech Republic, Romania, and Croatia. Additionally, she serves on the jury of the Preis des Historischen Kollegs in Munich (since 2021) and has been the Deputy Chair of the Foundation for Polish Science’s Council since 2020. From 2013 to 2020, she was a member, and later chair (2018-2020), of the jury for the Polish-German Scientific Award COPERNICUS, a collaboration between the Foundation for Polish Science and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.



    Kinga Kamieniarz Gdula

    Kinga Kamieniarz-Gdula, Prof. - Finished her undergraduate studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. She then did her PhD as well as a short postdoc in the field of Chromatin and Epigenetics with Rob Schneider at the Max-Planck-Institute in Freiburg, Germany. After that she moved to the University of Oxford to join Nick Proudfoot's lab, supported by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship. In Oxford, Kinga started studying the links between transcription termination and RNA processing, and became fascinated by gene ends. After 13 years abroad, Kinga returned to Poznań to set up her own research group in October 2019. Her team is generously supported by NAWA Polish Returns, NCN SONATA BIS, EMBO Installation Grant and ERC Starting Grant.



    Monika Kusiak

    Monika Kusiak, Prof. - Is a professor at the Department of Polar and Marine Research, Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences, and the head of the Geoprocessing Belsk Laboratory. Her research is concentrated on isotope geochemistry, mostly U-Th-Pb to understand evolution of ancient rocks obtained from polar regions. She is particularly interested in early Earth processes. Monika has participated in 11 polar expeditions: to Antarctica, Greenland, Labrador and Svalbard. As a fellow of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Sciences, Foundation for Polish Sciences, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and Fulbright Foundation she conducted research in Japan, Australia, Sweden and Germany and soon she is going to NASA to start a new project. She is a member of the Geoscience Group in the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR) and Scientific Cooperation and Diplomacy Group of International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV).


     Marek Kwiek

    Marek Kwiek, Prof. - Professor Marek Kwiek holds the UNESCO Chair in Institutional Research and Higher Education Policy at the AMU University of Poznan, Poland. His research areas are quantitative science studies and higher education research and policy. His focus is on research collaboration, productivity, and social stratification in science. He authored 230 publications and 10 monographs. His recent invited seminars include Berkeley, Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Beijing, Shanghai, Hiroshima, Hong Kong, Leiden, Oslo, and Paris, among others. His recent books are Changing European Academics (Routledge, 2019) and two books for PWN Publishers (2022, 2015). An expert for the European Commission, European Parliament, USAID, World Bank, OECD, and UNESCO. A board member of several international journals and a coordinating editor in "Higher Education". An ordinary member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA, Salzburg) and Academia Europaea (London).



    Grzegorz Sumara

    Grzegorz Sumara, Prof. - Leads the Dioscuri Center for Metabolic Diseases at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS since 2020. He started his research carrier with undergraduate student internships at the Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), Vienna, Austria, and at the University Hospital of Zürich, Switzerland. Grzegorz received his PhD from the University of Zurich and the ETH Zurich. Afterwards he spent 4 years as postdoctoral HFSP fellow at Columbia University in New York and half a year at the IGBMC in Strasbourg. Prior to coming to the Nencki Institute, he was a group leader at the Rudolf Virchow Centre in Würzburg, Germany. He received the prestigious Emmy Noether grant from the German Research Foundation for his work on studying hormonally-induced signalling cascades in adipocytes and hepatocytes as well as an ERC Starting Grant, under which he established Protein kinase D (PKD) family members as a crucial regulators of energy metabolism. All of these achievements have allowed Grzegorz to build the scientific program for a Dioscuri Centre of Scientific Excellence in Warsaw, where his research group focuses on unrevealing the cross-talk of different signalling molecules in regulation of adipocytes function during metabolic diseases such as obesity or cancer-associated cachexia.



    14:30-16:00 - Parallel sessions:



    I - Being a scientist in a European Universities alliances - is it worth it?





    Dominik Antonowicz

    Dominik Antonowicz, Prof. - Is a Chair of Department of Science and Higher Education, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland. He also worked as a postdoc scholar at Center of Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS), University of Twente and Centro de Investigação de Políticas do Ensino Superior (CIPES), University of Porto and Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at University of Toronto. He specializes in policy analysis including agenda-setting, implementation and evaluation studies with a particular focus on government-university relationships, institutional governance and leadership. He chair the University Council of University of Gdańsk and also he is a member The Council of NAWA.






    Anna Jurkowska Zeidler

    Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler, Prof. - Lawyer, Professor of the University of Gdańsk at the Faculty of Law and Administration, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation at the University of Gdańsk. Her research specialisation is financial market law. She has been an expert for the European Commission, the European Forum of Deposit Insurers, and the and the national financial safety net institutions - the Financial Supervision Commission and the Financial Ombudsman. She is Vice-Rector of the European University of the Seas alliance ‘European University of the Seas - SEA-EU’, within which the University of Gdańsk forms a consortium with eight coastal universities from Cadiz (Spain), Brest (France), Kiel (Germany), Split (Croatia), Malta, Algarve (Portugal), Naples (Italy) and Bodø (Norway). She is the first chairwoman of the University Internationalisation Committee of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities.


    Tomasz Pietrzykowski

    Tomasz Pietrzykowski, Prof. - Is a professor of law specializing in legal theory and philosophy of law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Silesia in Katowice. Since 2016, he has been the vice-rector for international and domestic cooperation at the University of Silesia. Active outside of academia, prof. Pietrzykowski is also the former governor (voivod) of the region of Silesia, the former chairman of the Polish National Committee for Ethical Review of Animal Experimentation, the former chairman of the Council of the National Agency of Academic Exchange, and the former President of the Arbitration Court of the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice. He currently serves as the deputy chairman of the Bioethics Committee of the Silesian Medical Chamber. He is also a co-founder of the European universities’ alliance ‘Tranform4Europe’ and remains a member of its governing bodies.



    Krzysztof Wasilewski

    Krzysztof Wasilewski, Prof. - Political scientists and media studies scholar; vice-rector for education, EU4Dual head of local office at the Koszalin University of Technology; head of the Regional and European Studies Department at the Faculty of Humanities; founder of the Digital Humanities and New Media Lab; his academic interests include: new technologies in political communication and digital humanities; awarded grants by the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies - Freie Universitat Berlin, Cambridge University, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA; the Polish National Science Center and Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.




    II - Risks connected with international research cooperation





    Jennifer Johnson

    Jennifer Johnson - Jennifer is Director of the Research and Innovation Office at Loughborough University with responsibility for a wide range of research strategy, policy and operational functions including research security. Jennifer was Chair of the Association for Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA) in the UK from 2020-23 and continues to take a lead for ARMA on matters of research security, for example by working with the UK Higher Education Security Forum and the consultation group for the UK government review of security protections in academia. She has been Principal Investigator on two Research England and two FCDO funded projects regarding trusted research and due diligence including ‘Complex Collaborations’ – a project which made recommendations for UK academia regarding how to operatlionalise our response to research security threats. Jennifer is committed to the professionalisation and recognition of the research management and administration sector, and to improving the way in which we work together across the sector, locally, nationally and globally. Jennifer is Chair of the International Network of Research Management Societies (INORMS) Working Group and a member of INORMS Council.





     Ann Mari Fineman

    Ann-Mari Fineman - Is Chief Analyst, Strategic Intelligence, at Vinnova, Sweden’s Innovation Agency. Her work is mainly focused on international collaboration in research and innovation, and she leads Vinnova’s work on responsible internationalisation. She is also involved in a new initiative around dual-use and civil-military synergies in innovation. Ms. Fineman’s previous experience includes innovation diplomacy as Innovation Councillor and Head of the Vinnova Office in Israel, policy work as Head of the Vinnova Office in Brussels, and work with foreign direct investment. Before joining the public sector, Ms. Fineman spent several years in the telecommunications industry, leading international projects in many parts of the world. She has also held management- and board-level positions in the ICT sector and has worked as a management consultant. Ann-Mari Fineman holds a master’s degree in computer science from Uppsala University and is a Sloan Fellow of London Business School.


    Valerie Hurska

    Valérie Hůrská, Eng.- Is a Counter Foreign Interference Manager at Charles University in the Czech Republic. Her role involves establishing internal processes aimed at enhancing the university's resilience against external threats, particularly by raising awareness of the risks and dangers faced by both the institution as a whole and its individual employees and students. Valérie Hůrská graduated from the University of Economics in Prague, where she also pursued two years of doctoral studies. In her professional career, she has focused on human resources and led research, academic, and international relations at a university level. Subsequently, she spent nearly 20 years investigating serious economic crimes within the Economic Crime Department of the Criminal Police and Investigation Service, where she served as an independent investigator.


     Fiona Quimbre

    Fiona Quimbre - (she/her) is a senior analyst and heads the China portfolio at RAND Europe. Her work examines the non-military dimensions of competition with China, focusing on threats to Europe's economic, infrastructure, and scientific assets. Her research has been featured in The Guardian, The Times, Times Higher Education, and others, and she has briefed the UK House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee . Prior to joining RAND, Fiona worked at the French Ministry of the Armed Forces. She holds first-class degrees with an M.A. in China Studies from Peking University and an M.A. in International Relations from Sciences Po Bordeaux.




    16:30-18:00 - Internationalization of science as an element of a country's development vision




    Michal Szuldrzynski

    Michał Szułdrzyński - Born in 1980. Graduate of philosophy at the Jagiellonian University, journalist, commentator. Editor-in-chief of the website rp.pl, 1st deputy editor-in-chief of "Rzeczpospolita" daily . Works In "Rzeczpospolita" since 2008, first as deputy, then head of the national section. Winner of the Grand Press 2016 award in the journalism category. In 2016 nominated - together with Andrzej Stankiewicz - for the Andrzej Woyciechowski Radio Zet award, and for the Kisiel award. In 2019 nominated for the Good Journalist award. Author of the book "Right wing for the dummies" (RM Publishing House, Warsaw 2023).



    Henryka Moscicka Dendys

    Henryka Mościcka-Dendys, PhD - Undersecretary of State in The Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A doctor of juridical science. A graduate in law and classical philology from the University of Silesia in Katowice. She was awarded a PhD in international law at the University of Warsaw's Faculty of Law and Administration (2007). At the MFA since 2002. She held such posts as Head of the Coordination Unit at the ministry's European Union Department and expert at the Office of the CBSS Commissioner on Democratic Development in Copenhagen (2003). From 2007 to 2011, she worked as first secretary and later as counsellor at the Polish Embassy in Berlin. In 2011-2012, she was Deputy Director of the European Policy Department for Institutional Affairs and Northern Europe. She served as Director of the European Policy Department from August 2012 to April 2013. Undersecretary of State for Parliamentary Affairs, European Policy and Human Rights from April 2013 to November 2015 and Poland's Ambassador to Denmark in 2015-2020. She headed the MFA's Bureau of Investments from September 2020 to December 2023.In 2011-2016, she was a member of the Foundation for German-Polish Cooperation's Council. She currently holds this function at the Polish Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations. Undersecretary of State Henryka Mościcka-Dendys is responsible for consular as well as legal and treaty affairs. She is also responsible for programming and coordinating the promotion of Poland, public and cultural diplomacy, and issues related to the Polish community abroad.



    Ignacy Niemczycki

    Ignacy Niemczycki -Undersecretary of State in The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. In the years 2008-2012, a government administration employee - including: The Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the Office of the European Union, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Representation to the EU in Brussels, where the distributor in national negotiations for Poland. In the years 2013-2015, the European affairs department was used in Polityka Insight. In the years 2015-2017, manager for public affairs and acting. director of international communications of the corporation. He was a member of the board of the Democratic Action Foundation and the Center Foundation. prof. Bronisław Geremek. He runs a farm in Masuria.



    Andrzej Szeptycki

    Andrzej Szeptycki, Prof. - Undersecretary of State in The Ministry of Science and Higher Education responsible for international cooperation. Political scientist, University professor at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw, expert of Institute Strategies 2050 think tank. He lectured, among others, in France, Ukraine and China. Research interests: foreign policies of Poland, Ukraine and Russia, post-colonial studies, politics of memory, national and ethnic minorities and immigration. Currently head of the research project „Wars of Russia: causes, determinants, course and consequences of military combat operations of the Russian Federation in the post-Cold War period” financed by the Polish National Science Centre.



    Marta Mioduszewska 1

    Marta Mioduszewska - Deputy Director of the Department of Innovation and Development Support Programmes, Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy.




    18:10-19:00: Parallel sessions:



    I - Science made in Poland - what are we really fighting for in promotion abroad?




    Natalia Osica

    Natalia Osica - Sociologist by education and a mediator by profession, she specializes in social communication. Since 15 years, she has been working at the intersection of the science sector and the socio-economic environment. Her mission is to unlock the power of science for collaboration with both the industry and society. She analyzes the processes that hinder science at the level of knowledge and technology transfer. Natalia is an expert in science communication for the European Research Council, and a former president of the Science Journalists Association Naukowi.pl. She is the founder of Poland's first PR agency for scientists - 'pro science' and the Science PRO Foundation, which focuses on moderating cooperation between science and business.





     Katarzyna Czechowicz

    Katarzyna Czechowicz - Plenipotentiary for International Cooperation of the Polish National Association of Doctoral Candidates (KRD). Member of the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (EURODOC), where she serves as the coordinator of the Higher Education Task Force, the Mental Health Working Group, and as a representative in the Bologna Follow-Up Group – European Higher Education Area. Assistant at the Faculty of Education at the University of Białystok (UwB), member of the Student Legal Clinic – Laboratory of the Faculty of Law UwB, and a doctoral candidate at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences UwB. In previous years, she has served as a board member of KRD (2022), a board member of EURODOC (2023/24), Ombudsperson for Doctoral Candidates at UwB (2022/23), and a member of the American Society of Criminology – Division of Biopsychosocial Criminology. Her scientific research focuses on the neuropsychological determinants of criminal behavior.


    Anna Rolczak

    Anna Rolczak - A PhD student at the Doctoral School of the Rzeszow University of Technology, specializing in the field of chemical engineering. Her research focuses on antibacterial peptides, which may have applications in combating health threats related to bacterial infections. In addition to her scientific work, she is actively involved in the doctoral community. She serves as the Vice-Chairwomen of the Doctoral Student's Council at the Rzeszow University of Technology. Moreover, she is a member of the Board of the Polish National Association of Doctoral Candidates, where she works to improve the conditions of education and work for doctoral students on a national level. In the free time, she pursues her passion for traveling, exploring new places and cultures, which provides her with fresh perspectives and inspiration for her research work.



    Pawel Rowinski

    Paweł Rowiński, Prof. - Is a professor in Earth sciences at the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences. From June 2024 he is the President of the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA). He is also member of the Board of SAPEA - Science Advice for Policy by European Academies. His research interests include mathematical methods in geophysics, environmental hydrodynamics, experimental studies of hydrological processes. He is Editor in Chief of Springer book series GeoPlanet and he serves as Associate Editor for several prominent scientific journals and publications. He is the Chair of the European Division of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research IAHR. Earlier he served as its Vice Chair. He served as Vice-President of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2015-2022). Starting from the 1st of September of 2023 he is the director of the Institute of Geophysics, PAS; he also served as its director from 2008 to 2015.



    ukasz Zamecki

    Łukasz Zamęcki, Prof. - Associate professor at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw, Dean’s Plenipotentiary for the discipline of political science and administration; in 2016-2020, Vice-Dean for Scientific Research and International Relations; formerly, inter alia, Deputy Director of the Institute of European Studies (2012-2016) and head of MA European Studies (2010-2012); coordinator of pedagogical training (2010-2011); participant of the program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education "Leaders in university management" (2019); secretary of the Board of the Polish Society for European Studies (2013-2015); secretary of the Research Committee “Socio-political Pluralism” of the International Political Science Association (since 2017); associate of Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and State Examination Committee; expert of the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program and Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.


     Malgorzata Feusette Czyzewska 1

    Małgorzata Feusette-Czyżewska - Director of the Department of Communication and Promotion at The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) since February 2023. She is a cultural manager and a long-time coordinator of social and educational campaigns for the Ministry of Culture, such as "Ojczysty – add to favorites," Freedom Express, and "Remember. August 23." She led the Program Department at the National Centre for Culture and the Communication Department at the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity. She is also an author of film reviews and an enthusiast of good literature and independent cinema. She is graduated from polish philology atthe University of Warsaw.


    II - Internationalisation of doctoral schools II




    Aleksandra Lewandowska

    Aleksandra Lewandowska - Plenipotentiary for International Cooperation of the Polish National Association of Doctoral Candidates (KRD). Member of the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (EURODOC), where she serves as the coordinator of the Higher Education Task Force, the Mental Health Working Group, and as a representative in the Bologna Follow-Up Group – European Higher Education Area. Assistant at the Faculty of Education at the University of Białystok (UwB), member of the Student Legal Clinic – Laboratory of the Faculty of Law UwB, and a doctoral candidate at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences UwB. In previous years, she has served as a board member of KRD (2022), a board member of EURODOC (2023/24), Ombudsperson for Doctoral Candidates at UwB (2022/23), and a member of the American Society of Criminology – Division of Biopsychosocial Criminology. Her scientific research focuses on the neuropsychological determinants of criminal behavior.






    Justyna Franc Dabrowska

    Justyna Franc-Dąbrowska, Prof. - Currently works at the Department of Finance, Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Their current project is 'Financialization'. Justyna’s research activities focus on financialization, dividend policy, capital structure, and liquidity. She is the author of about 100 scientific publications and a participated in many conferences. She is the Head of the Doctoral School SGGW.



    Paulina Gora

    Paulina Góra, MA Eng. - Msc. of Electrical Engineering and Automation and Robotics Eng. Doctoral student of II year in the Center for Electromagnetic Fields Engineering and High-Frequency Techniques, Faculty of Electrical Engineer at West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. Researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science and Telecommunications, Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin. Conducts research in scientific disciplines: Information and Communication Technology and Automation, Electronic, Electrical Engineering and Space Technologies. Chairwoman of the West Pomeranian Doctoral Students' Association and the Council of the Doctoral Students of ZUT in Szczecin. Representative of the Polish National Association of Doctoral Candidates in the General Council for Science and Higher Education and Council' Presidium Member.



    Anna Nieczaj

    Anna Nieczaj. MA Eng. - A PhD student at the Doctoral School of the Rzeszow University of Technology, specializing in the field of chemical engineering. Her research focuses on antibacterial peptides, which may have applications in combating health threats related to bacterial infections. In addition to her scientific work, she is actively involved in the doctoral community. She serves as the Vice-Chairwomen of the Doctoral Student's Council at the Rzeszow University of Technology. Moreover, she is a member of the Board of the Polish National Association of Doctoral Candidates, where she works to improve the conditions of education and work for doctoral students on a national level. In the free time, she pursues her passion for traveling, exploring new places and cultures, which provides her with fresh perspectives and inspiration for her research work.



    Ignacy Rogon

    Ignacy Rogoń, MA Eng. -PhD student at the Doctoral School of the Gdańsk University of Technology, journalist and entrepreneur. Chairman of the PhD Students' Self-Government of the Gdansk University of Technology for the term 2022-2023 and 2023-2025. Vice-chairman of the Association of Doctoral Students of Technical Universities (PDUT) and member of the Audit Committee of the National Association of PhD Candidates (KRD) for the term 2024. Scientifically associated with the discipline of Biomedical Engineering. His research interests include, in particular, capacitive electrocardiography (cECG) and tissue vitality monitoring techniques.



    Anna Sobocinska

    Anna Sobocińska, PhD - Is a biotechnologist with a PhD in medical and health sciences. Throughout her career, her research has considerably contributed to the field of cancer biology and neurooncology, earning her a PhD distinction for her thesis titled “Molecular classification of high-grade pediatric brain tumors based on gene expression profiling using NanoString technology”. She is passionate about translational aspects of science, media literacy, and healthcare policy. Anna is a co-founder of a women's health startup Femi Blood Power. She collaborates with Science Feedback on projects combating misinformation. Currently, she is a Lab Manager in the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, and she leads a Mentoring Team of the Polonium Foundation. There, she designs and develops a global mentoring programme – Polonium Mentoring - connecting professionals at different stages of their careers with excellent mentors from academia, industry, and business.





    Thursday: 12th September 2024



    9:30-11:00: 25 years of Polish science in the ecosystem of EU Framework Programmes. Where are we and where are we heading?




    Magdalena Bem Andrzejewska

    Magdalena Bem-Andrzejewska - Manager with twenty years of experience in public administration, specializing in issues related to R&D in the context of international cooperation, communication and PR. Representative of the Republic of Poland in many international bodies, incl. OECD committees, Strategic Forum for International S&T Cooperation, and High Council at the European University Institute in Florence. During several years of work in managerial positions at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, she was responsible, among others, for creating many initiatives to popularize science and comprehensive communication of the implementation of the reform of higher education and science, also in international relations. From 2020, director of the National Contact Point for Horizon Europe, operating within the structures of the NCBR. She coordinates the Polish support system, consisting of the NCP organisation and a network of Horizontal Contact Points in 12 key academic centers.






    Leszek Kaczmarek

    Leszek Kaczmarek, Prof.- Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, European Molecular Biology Organization and Academia Europaea is a professor and the president of the BRAINCITY: Center of Excellence for Neural Plasticity and Brain Disorders; Nencki EMBL partnership at the Nencki Institute, Warsaw; Poland. He has published over 250 research papers, cited over 13 000 times. L. Kaczmarek was invited as a lecturer to more than 100 international and national meetings and over 300 times to talk on research seminars, workshops, etc.; he promoted over 40 PhDs and was PI or coordinator on over 50 domestic and international grants. He was postdoc at the Temple University (Philadelphia), as well as visiting professor at the: University of Catania (Italy), McGill University (Montreal), UCLA (Los Angeles), and Institute of Photonic Sciences, ICFO, (Castelldefels, Spain). He served on numerous program and grant committees, editorial and advisory boards, as well as international scientific societies.


    Beata Lubos

    Beata Lubos, PhD - Economist, obtained a PhD from the Warsaw School of Economics at the College of World Economy, where she conducted research on the innovation policy of the Nordic countries. Since 2004, she has been professionally associated with the Ministry of Economy, where, as Director of the Department of Innovation and Industrial Policy at the Ministry of Development and Technology, she was responsible for designing strategies and programs aimed at increasing the innovativeness of the economy, for preparing the assumptions of legal acts, analyzes and support instruments implementing the goals of innovation and industrial policy. Currently, Director of the Center for International Cooperation and Research Excellence at Łukasiewicz - Institute of Aviation (Ł-ILOT), one of the largest research institutes of the Łukasiewicz Research Network.


     Adam Piotrowski

    Adam Piotrowski, PhD Eng. - CEO of VIGO Photonics S.A running public listed company with 1/3 of staff involved in state-of-the art customer/application driven development. Responsible for applications, sales, HR and technology strategic agenda. Involved in writing and coordination of FP7, H2020, Horizon Europe and Eurostars projects We are developing products for scientific (Gravitational Wave detectors), industrial (detectors for for environmental sensing and a significant supplier to semiconductor industry), space (NASA JPL Curiosity rover) and military applications (smart munition). Member of Board of Stakeholders of Photonics21 PPP, member of Strategic Advisory Board of Quantum Flagship. Expertise in one or more areas relevant to a component of Horizon Europe. PhD in material science and a member of several thematic boards/Smart Specialisations on Microelectronics, Electronics, Photonics and Quantum technologies on regional, national and european level.


     Tomasz Poprawka

    Tomasz Poprawka, PhD - PhD in plant science from University of East Anglia / John Inne Centre in Norwich, UK. Worked in labs in Poland, Belgium, UK and Japan. In 2010 shifted his career into research program management and worked for Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) in Warsaw, where he was responsible for several initiatives supporting individual researchers and building science capacities in Poland. In 2018 he joined Polish Academy and Sciences and moved to Brussels to join its liaison office - PolSCA to work within European science policy dimension. Since 2020 heading the PolSCA PAS Office who’s mission is to promote and facilitate successful participation of Polish R&I stakeholders (incl. PAS researchers) in EU framework programme for research & innovation.



    Lucyna Wozniak

    Lucyna Woźniak, Prof. - Professor Lucyna Woźniak, PhD, M.D., is a Lodz University of Technology graduate. After PhD from the Polish Academy of Sciences and a post-doc at Kings College London with Prof. Colin Reese, FRS, he got a habilitation (DSc.) from The Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies Polish Academy of Sciences in the field of synthesis of P-Chiral analogues of DNA/RNA for antisense therapy. She is currently the Head of the Department of Medical Biology and the Department of Structural Biology at the Medical University of Lodz. Her research interests focus on molecular markers of gestational diabetes (GDM) in the possible prevention and diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in women using metabolomic tools. From 2012 to 2024, she was the Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation at the Medical University of Lodz. In the term of office 2024-2028, she is the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation at the Medical University of Lodz. She is a member of the Supervisory Board and the Strategic Innovation Board of EIT HEALTH, as well as Chair of the Supervisory Board of EIT HEALTH Innostars, Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board (Life Sciences) of the Vrije Universitet in Brussels (Belgium) and member of the High-Level Board for the development of the impact maximisation of the European Union Framework Programmes (Pascal Lamy Group; Lab-Fab-App report).




    11:30-13:00: Scientific career in international space – how to build it?




    Marta Miaczynska

    Marta Miączyńska, Prof. - Is a molecular cell biologist and Director of the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw (IIMCB). She graduated in molecular biology from the Jagiellonian University and earned her PhD in genetics from the University of Vienna (1997). Her postdoctoral training (1998-2005) took place at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg and the Max Planck Institute in Dresden. She has received numerous prestigious fellowships, including those from the Austrian Science Fund and the Human Frontier Science Program Organization. She has led projects funded by organizations such as the Wellcome Trust, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and the Foundation for Polish Science. She has served as a panelist for various funding agencies, including the European Research Council, and as a member of the Council of the National Science Center (2016-2018). An elected member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Academia Europaea. She now serves as vice-chair of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Council and the EU-LIFE consortium, in which the IIMCB is the only Polish member.



    Turbo presentations:



    Prof. Zygmunt Derewenda US

    Zygmunt Derewenda, Prof. - Graduated from the the University of Lodz (1976). He received his PhD in Chemistry in 1983. He was a research fellow at the University of York in the UK and a Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Alberta, Canada. Since 1996, he is a Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics at the University of Virginia in the US. Prof. Derewenda is a specialist in molecular biology and protein structure and function, with more than 170 publications to his credit. For the past 20 years, he has served as the director of a program he initiated at several US universities, facilitating year-long internships in scientific laboratories for students of Biomedical Sciences, studying in Polish Universities. More than 600 students have been given this opportunity, and a number of alumni are currently in faculty positions, biotechnology and pharma industries, or formed their own companies in USA and Europe.


     Maja Kiba Janiak

    Maja Zofia Kiba-Janiak, Prof. - Has been employed at the Wrocław University of Economics and Business, Department of Strategic Management and Logistics, Faculty of Management, since 2012. She has been the Director of the Excecutive MBA programme since June 2020. Her research interests are in logistics and supply chain management, particularly city logistics. She has participated in a number of research projects funded by national and European Union funds. In 2019, Prof Kiba-Janiak undertook a three-month research internship at the University of Melbourne (the project was funded by NAWA under the Bekker Programme). In 2023, she spoke at the UN headquarters as an expert on a panel on sustainable transport as part of a conference organised to mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. She is currently the manager of an international research project under Horizon 2020 and actively collaborates with academics from around the world.


     Yaroslav Shpotyuk

    Yaroslav Shpotyuk, PhD - Academic degrees: Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014). PhD in Materials Science (University of Rennes, 2015). Current position: Assistant Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Rzeszów. Scientific activity: amorphous materials based on chalcogenide and oxide glasses, for application in infrared photonics, biomedical sensors, optoelectronic and thermoelectric devices. Previous professional experience: Junior researcher at SRC “Carat” (Ukraine), Early stage researcher at the University of Rennes and Abo Academy University, Researcher at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Scholarships: University of Rennes (FP7, GlaCERCo project), Austin Peay State University (Erasmus+), TH Koln (DAAD), Institute of Geotechnics SAS (SAIA). Awards: Holder of the scholarship of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland. (online)



     Wojciech Stepniowski

    Wojciech Stępniowski, Prof. - Obtained his M.Sc. in physical chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland 2007. Then, he moved to the Military University of Technology in Warsaw, Poland, where he obtained his Ph.D. in 2013, working on anodic oxides in aluminum and Ni3Al intermetallic alloy. In 2016 he went for his first post-doctoral fellowship to TU Delft, the Netherlands on materials nanostructuring with anodic alumina templates and AA2024 T3 aluminum alloy corrosion protection (CleanSky 2, H2020 project). Since 2018 he was a post-doctoral fellow and adjunct professor, at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA. In January 2020 he returned to the Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland as a laureate of the NAWA's “Polish Returns”. In 2021 he obtained habilitation and became associate professor. He works on aluminum alloys and copper anodizing for eco-friendly applications.



     Roza Szweda

    Róża Szweda, Prof. - In 2015 Roza Szweda purchased her PhD at AGH University of Technology. Afterward, she joined the group of Prof. Jean Francois Lutz at the Institute Charles Sadron CNRS as a post-doc. During her stay in France she was manager of two Doctoral Networks MSCA. In 2020, she established her independent research team at Łukasiewicz-PORT, the flagship institute of the Łukasiewicz Research Network. For her work, she was awarded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Education with a scholarship for outstanding young scientists, several national grants and recently trusted by European Research Council with a Starting Grant. In 2023 she was given habilitation degree by Silesian University of Science and Technology. From January 2014 she is affiliated at Adam Mickiewicz University leading Programmable Polymers Research Group (szwedalab.com). Her research is focused on inducing functionalities into abiotic macromolecules through sequence and stereochemistry control.




    14:00-15:30: Scientific career in international space – how to evaluate it?





    Stanislaw Kistryn

    Stanisław Kistryn, Prof. - Physicist, specialized in experimental nuclear physics, co-author of over 200 refereed scientific papers. Rector's Proxy for Cooperation within Una Europa, Vice-Chair of the Central Council for Science and Higher Education and coordinator of the Polish National Chapter of CoARA. Former (2012-2020) Vice-Rector for Research and Structural Funds at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, responsible also for international relations. Member of committees and expert groups (e.g. Committee for the Evaluation of Scientific Units, Team for the Evaluation of Scientific Journals and Group for Determining Algorithms of Financing Research Institutions) associated with the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Represented Jagiellonian University in The Guild of European Research Intensive Universities (served as a first term Board Member / Treasurer), and since 2019 acts as Treasurer in the Board of Directors of the European University Alliance Una Europa.






    Wojciech Grochala

    Wojciech Grochala, Prof. - Professor Wojciech Grochala’s (b. 1972) career has been linked to the University of Warsaw (M.Sc. 1995, Ph.D. 1998, D.Sc. 2005, prof. 2014). Since 2004 he leads the Laboratory of Technology of Novel Functional Materials. He spent postdoctoral stays in the USA (with Roald Hoffmann, Nobel Prize winner, at Cornell Univ.) and in the UK (with prof. Peter P. Edwards at Univ. of Birmingham). He was visiting professor at Geophysical Lab, Carnegie Institution of Washington and Cornell University. Prof. Grochala coauthors over 200 papers and book chapters as well as 4 int. patents. He has promoted fifteen PhDs and lectured +130 times at scientific institutes worldwide; he coauthored +250 conference contributions. His scientific interests are in materials, inorganic, physical and computational chemistry (particularly for solids) and more recently also in organic chemistry. He explores new materials for hydrogen storage, atypical compounds of silver, magnetic materials and compounds of noble gases (particularly the lightest ones). For several years he has been teaching to the students of humanities at Artes Liberales College. Growing exotic plants is his hobby, so is prose and poetry writing.



    Ragnar Lie

    Ragnar Lie, Porf. - Is Senior Advisor at Universities Norway (UHR), the Norwegian rectors conference. UHR plays a significant role in shaping academic policies and strategies in Norway. Lie is working with topics like research policies, open science, research support, career policies and leadership development. Specifically, he has been involved in the development of NOR-CAM (a concrete toolbox for assessing academic careers) and has contributed to advancing research assessment practices in Norway. He co-ordinates the Norwegian National Chapter in CoARA and is active in CoARA's Working group on Academic Career Assessment. He has worked in the higher educational sector for more than 30 years; first at The Research Council of Norway, then at University of Oslo, (both at center,- faculty, and central level), and, since 2011, at Universities Norway. He holds a Master degree in Political Science from Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen from 1986.


    Jakub Prus

    Jakub Pruś, PhD - Graduated philosophy at the Ignatianum University in Cracow and Heythrop College, University of London; he was a guest lecturer at Saint Joseph University of Beirut (2022) and – as a visiting professor – at the University of Zagreb (summer semester 2024). He was awarded by the Minister of Science with a scholarship for outstanding young scientists (2022). He is responsible for the ministerial project popularizing logical culture and critical thinking: "Social Responsibility of Science (2022–24). Since 2018, he is an editorial secretary of Forum Philosophicum. He publishes in the best-scoring journals in the field of logic (Springer-Argumentation, Informal Logic). He is a member of the Young Scientists Council (2021–23, 2023–25).




    Anetta Undas

    Anetta Undas, Prof. - graduated from the Medical Academy in Krakow. She was awarded a PhD degree (1996). She became assistant professor in 2001 and full professor in 2007. She was the Polish Fulbright scholar program grantee at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Vermont (1999-2000). Now she is head of the Department of Thromboembolic Diseases at the Institute of Cardiology at Jagiellonian University Medical College in Kraków, Poland. Since 2008 Professor Undas has been the editor in chief of the Polish Archives of Internal Medicine, and since 2018 – of Polish Heart Journal. Her research interests include genetic and environmental regulation of blood coagulation and atherosclerosis. She authored 500 peer-reviewed papers. She has supervised 18 doctoral dissertations. She was a panel member in the European Research Council grant reviewing process (LS4) in the years 2010-2016. She is a member of Academia Europaea since 2023. She was appointed the associate member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU) and the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS).




    Danuta Zawadzka

    Danuta Zawadzka, Prof. - Is the associate professor, the rector of the Koszalin University of Technology, and the head of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Economic Sciences. Her scientific and research activities focus on the issues of finance. She is member of the Committee on Financial Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as: Committee on Science of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP), Committee on Accreditation and Rankings of CRASP. She is a chairwoman of the Committee on Education of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities of Technology. Prof. Danuta Zawadzka is one of the initiators and a member of the Presidium of the Consortium „Science for the Sea”. She actively participates in the council of the Doctoral School of the University of Messina (Italy). Prof. Danuta Zawadzka is a member of the Council of the Center for Cooperation of University Councils at the Academic and Economic Forum. She actively participates in the EU4Dual European University, the alliance of 9 universities from the EU, including the Koszalin University of Technology. She is elected vice-chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities of Technology for the term 2024-2028.




    15:30-16:30: Strategic internationalization from the perspective of universities - the example of the University of Warsaw




    Alojzy Z. Nowak

    Alojzy Z. Nowak, Prof. - Rector of the University of Warsaw, economist. Expert in finance, insurance and international economic relations. Laureate of many awards and distinctions. Member of many supervisory and scientific boards, and editing teams of numerous prestigious science periodicals worldwide.



    Sambor Grucza

    Sambor Grucza, Prof. - Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Human Resources, University of Warsaw. Prof. Grucza is graduated in German philology (Saarland University) and Applied Linguistics (University of Warsaw). He completed his doctorate in 1994. He obtained the degree of habilitated doctor in 2005. As of 2009 He is full professor since. His research interests are: metalinguistics, theory of language and communication for specific purposes, glottodidactics, translatorics and eye tracking research. In years 2008–2012 and 2016–2020, he held the position of dean of the Faculty of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw. Previously, he was a vice-dean of the Faculty of Applied Linguistics and head of the Institute of Specialised and Intercultural Communication. Prof. Grucza is President of the Polnischer Germanisten Verband, and executive board member of the Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik – IVG. He was President of the Polish Association of Applied Linguistics.



    Ewa Krogulec

    Ewa Krogulec, Prof. - is a geologist. She holds the position of the Vice-Rector for Development of the University of Warsaw. She is the Chairwoman of the Rector’s Team for Ecology and Climate Crisis, and the Chairwoman of the Steering Committee of the Intelligent Green University Programme (IZU). Within 2012–2016 and 2016–2020, she was as the Dean of the Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw. In her research work she focuses on hydrogeology, and, in particular, groundwater protection and conservation. The scope of her interest is mainly concerned with the methodology and regional study of hydrodynamic modelling. Her scientific activity refers to the issue of the assessment of groundwater susceptibility to contamination, the evaluation of parameter values to hydrologic models, and processes in hydrogeological systems. As part of her research, Prof. Krogulec conducts quantitative analyses of groundwater management, identifies potential risks associated with mining and urbanisation, as well as participates in ground dependent ecosystems mapping (GDEs). She is also interested in regional hydrogeology, as well as law and economic aspects of the search for groundwater sources and their exploitation. Prof. Ewa Krogulec is an author or co-author of about 200 scientific papers, i.e. articles, chapters of monographs, and monographs and maps. She has also been a leader of more than 40 research projects in the field of geology, hydrogeology and environmental protection. She is the Chairwoman of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Geological Sciences, the Vice-Chairwoman of the National Council of Water Management. For a number of years she has been holding the position of the Chairwoman of the Committee for Hydrogeological Documentations, an advisory body to the Ministry of Climate and Environment. She also works as a member of many scientific councils, including the Scientific Council of Kampinos National Park and Nature Conservation Council, the Mazovieckie Voivodeship.



