We welcome you to apply for The Poland My First Choice Programme! - NAWA

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If you are a citizen of: Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Austria, Ireland, Portugal, Belgium, Iceland, Romania, Bulgaria, Israel, Singapore, Croatia, Japan, Slovakia, Chile, Canada, Slovenia, Cyprus, Republic of Korea, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Liechtenstein, Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania, Uruguay, Estonia, Luxembourg, USA, Finland, Latvia, Hungary, France, Malta, Italy, Greece, Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, Norway or Chinese citizen residing in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan and you are planning to continue your education at master’s degree level at prestigious departments of Polish universities holding an A or A+ category in every field of study, you can get the monthly scholarship – PLN 2000 and additionally if you choose a public university, your studies will be tuition-free! The list of the universities eligible in the programme.

Call for proposals


The call for applications under the Programme shall be conducted until 6 April 2020, 3 pm Central European Time (Warsaw local time).

Apply to the Poland My First Choice Scholarship Programme via NAWA’s ICT system, available on the https://programs.nawa.gov.pl/login website. 

Information for applicants:

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