Greetings on the occasion of Independence Day of Ukraine - NAWA

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On Ukraine's Independence Day, we wish our Ukrainian partners and friends victory and longed-for peace. We assure you of our continued solidarity and our support.

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This year we are celebrating the 32nd anniversary of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine. These 32 years were a unique period in which Ukraine has taken the long road to establish a strong and unbreakable Ukrainian state, constantly fighting to maintain its sovereignty. Unfortunately, this year's anniversary marks also a year and a half since the Russian aggression against Ukraine has began. 

From the very beginning of the war in Ukraine, the Polish scientific academic community has made clear its position and willingness to provide aid and support to the Ukrainian people. The National Agency for Academic Exchange hasn't been indifferen either and will continue to support Ukrainian scientists, students and academics. So far, as part of activities to support Ukraine, NAWA has implemented the following initiatives:

  • NAWA offered scholarships to foreigners from Ukraine. These were "Freemover UA" internship scholarships for students and academics of accredited universities from Ukraine cooperating with universities in Poland. "Freemover UA" mobility scholarships in physical form could be awarded for internships by partner units participating in CEEPUS academic networks, approved CEEPUS summer schools and intensive courses, as well as at other accredited academic units in Poland.
  • The agency has been involved in providing Ukrainian students arriving in Poland after the outbreak of war with information about educational opportunities at Polish universities. As early as early March, a hotline and a website in Ukrainian were launched:, presenting the higher education system and aid offers of Polish universities.
  • On March 15th, NAWA opened enrollment for the newly created programme "Solidarity with Ukraine" for Ukrainian students and researchers. Within the framework of the "Solidarity with Ukraine" program, a "Backpack for Students" campaign was organized. More than 1,000 backpacks were distributed. Each university had the opportunity to apply for the provision of a backpack with equipment for students.
  • Thanks to NAWA's cooperation with Radio Poland, a series of podcasts was prepared to assist students and doctoral students in learning the Polish language.
  • May 12-13, 2022, University of Gdansk - Conference "Solidarity with Ukraine. Students, scientists, institutions"
  • April 3 - 4, 2023 - Conference "Focus on Ukraine" on support for the academic community in Ukraine.

Support for representatives of the Ukrainian academic community is very important in these tragic times. Joint work and relations between our countries can bring many benefits to both sides, including cultural exchange and economic development. It's important to build partnerships and strengthen ties between our nations. As NAWA we assure of our continued actions for the Urkainian academic community. In the face of difficulties and challenges, we stand together, ready to strive for peace, stability and cooperation.

Happy Independence Day, Ukraine!

