Within 30 March, 2020 and 6 May, 2020 NAWA conducted series of “COVID-19 webinars” that were part of our response to the coronavirus pandemic related challenges. Since we have recognised demand for both reliable information on quickly changing academic environment and some form of emotional support for foreign students residing in Poland, idea of webinars aimed with tackling this issues seemed as a perfect solution. It enabled (almost) direct contact with our speakers and updating participants with important information that not always was available in English in other sources.
We have hosted range of experts representing different fields – psychologists, Head of IRO at one of leading universities, scientists - with practical experience of isolation at Polar station and professor directly fighting coronavirus. We have even organized debate between the career advisors from several countries dedicated to the super practical issue of “Employability in (post) COVID-19 Europe".
The great reward for our efforts was the fact that we had gathered large audience with approximately 6000 registered live viewers in 25 countries, with many many more joining later – up to 17 000 watching single webinar (with prof. Katarzyna Rolle from the Polish scientific team which invented Covid-19 diagnostic test) and 35 000 YouTube viewers.