The European Commission has published the results of proposals under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND 2024 call - NAWA

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The European Commission received 81 applications for this call, from which 27 were selected for funding (success rate: 35%). There will be 12 co-funded doctoral training programmes and 15 post-doctoral fellowship programmes. Projects are made in collaboration and will be implemented by international partnerships which cover 463 organisations from 36 countries.

It is worth mentioning, that 1 of the 18 proposals submitted by Polish entities will be financed (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences). Congratulations!


msca wykres

Chart: countries of coordinating organisations. The top countries are Spain (9), France (6), Germany and Finland with 2 projects each.


More information about the call results:

MSCA co-funds 27 doctoral training and postdoctoral fellowship programmes with €104.8 million | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions


